Ambitious, Fiance?

She froze and His face suddenly became clear with Her vision...Ramiro Gonzalez...She can't question it, she can't deny it, it was really clear In her memory. The name Ramiro Gonzalez was once became part of her life with her fake Dad-Mr. Sanchez.

Yeah it's true he was her fiance! Mr. Sanchez fixed her with the Gonzalez's only son whom was Ramiro. But she never knew how he looked like ever since they're engaged improperly.

She can still remember Mr. Sanchez tried to convince her to marry the Gozalez's only son before he left for America. But she wasn't convinced, she pursued marrying Air at the end. She closed her eyes remembering him.

"What's wrong? Where does it hurt?" Ramiro asked seeing her sudden reaction.

"Stop touching her Ramiro and stop being ambitious, Fiance? Keep on dreaming bro" Hilk said while taking Ramiro's hands away from Sassy.

"Senyorita are you alright? I can take you to another hospital and-" but he was cut when Sassy quickly grabbed the blanket and turn her back with them.

"You are what you're saying Hilk, now go home and face your brother"

"Alright thanks" the delivery handed her the box right after she signed the receipt already "you finally arrived haha" she said while looking at the box until her eyes look somewhere and there she saw someone and it was "Vince?"

Vince not so far watched Donita move her eyes until she caught him standing there beside his car. He was walking towards her already when she suddenly enter the gate and hurriedly close it right away before he could reach them.

"Donita!" he called but she just ignored him until he decided to call her over the phone already which was accepted so "Donita let's talk please" he pleaded and was about to talk again when the line was off already "sh*t what have I done?" he cursed.

Donita's excitement with her received item from online shoppings suddenly vanished when her vision got blurred after hearing his voice over the phone just now. She decided to end the call when she felt crying already "I missed him so much..." she said while her hands are on her lips already trying to stop speaking so loud.

It was almost a week already since she left the city, since she left the company and also since she finally left him. She decided to live here at her Parent's house when she and her brother are still young. She wanted to enjoy her last months here and die. No one knows she's here. Did Sassy?

Remembering Sassy, she suddenly stopped crying and was about to make a call already when suddenly "Donita let's talk, I can't leave without you!"

"You finally showed up..." Elder Master said as he saw Hilk coming from the big door. He's been waiting for him all this time. Along with that he was also waiting for him going with his girlfriend, but it seems that he doesn't have anyone with him tonight.

Is he staying here already all this time?tsk!...he thought seeing his brother or shuold he call his half brother. Well nevermind that, he accept him as his half brother in his Father side, he treat his mom right and nicely but the brotherhood itself was fading already as they grows up. As He became bossy with Hilk.

"Where is your girlfriend? I told Hera to inform you about the dinner tonight aren't you informed?" he asked which he didn't answer "...alright I guess Hera wasn't as efficient as I expected her to be, should I fire her instead?" but this one made him speak already saying "do that and you'll all loose me" he said and run towards the stairs already going to his room.

"Still you Hera was really his weakness...Hera prepare him for his flight tomorrow going to Spain for a 1 month business trip..." then so Hera nodded her head.

"Thanks Ramiro for taking me home..." Sassy said plainly at Ramiro, they're outside the Timenez's Mansion by the way. Ramiro gave her a ride going home as she doesn't have her own car all the day "you're always welcome..." he answered back.

"Ok I'll go in now" Sassy simply said that made him speak again saying...

"Can I date you? Sassy?" he asked which made her stop...

"...I mean why not try right? I've heard a lot about you the last 5 years, you're married with Air? he doesn't really deserved you Sassy. While all I can do is to watch you far away..."