An eventful night

Eira had tried to to stop John and George from fighting when Mr. Henning stepped in between and reprimanded George. When her gaze went to the woman beside him she froze.

The face of the woman was of someone she didn´t expect so ever see it again.

The woman also looked her into the eyes and she stopped in her tracks. Recognition hit her and her eyes widened.

She stuttered: "Oh- m-my... what a surprise to see you here."

Eira´s heart clenched when she heard the voice of the woman. She took a deep breath and looked at the woman again.

"Hello. I guess I have to call you Mrs. Henning now. Long time no see." She tried to fake a smile but it just distorted her face so she decided to just have a neutral face as good as possible.

"Yeah it´s a long time. How are you?" The woman asked her.

Eira sneered at that question.

"After all this time you want to ask how I am? How laughable. Did you forget what you did to father and me, my dear biological mother?"

That statement struck Mrs. Henning like thunder bolt. She knew that she was the bad one. But to hear it directly was different.

"Eira... please understand. It was a really hard time for me too. I didn´t want to end things like that. Now that we met again, let´s have a talk. I am sorry. I am a horrible mother. I want to make it right again."

Eira started to laugh hysterically.

"There is nothing you could make right again. There is nothing left you could do... nothing. Now I don´t need you anymore and dad doesn´t need you either."

"W-what do you mean there is nothing left?"

"Mrs. Henning let me brief you briefly about the latest news. The head chef and developer James Morgan is dead. If you don´t believe me look into the news. Now if you excuse me. I don´t want to talk to you or anyone of your family." Eira coldly walked past Mrs. Henning and went outside of the room. John was following her outside.

Mrs. Henning stood petrified and didn´t move a single muscle. The news was a huge bomb Eira had dropped. She never watched the news and didn´t heard that James Morgan was dead. Guilt was hitting her conscience. She regretted she couldn´t talk and apologize to her ex-husband before he died. Shocked she forgot she wanted to get a drink for Mr. Henning and she just sat down at a nearby chair and stared on the ground, thoughts running wild in her head.

Outside Eira stopped in her tracks when she noticed that John had followed her. She turned around and looked at him.

"John. Could you please not follow me like an obedient dog? I need some space to think. Oh, and what you heard earlier... just forget it. There is no need for anyone to know that I am related to that woman. It doesn´t matter anymore." And with that she left John behind.

Eira walked to a nearby park and sat down at a bench. She let out a heavy sighed and ruffled her hair in frustration.

"Why why why did it have to happen like that. Why did I tell her. Arrrgh I am so dumb stuttering like little child. I have to keep my cool." She hit her head repeatedly.

"What dumb thing did our Miss Morgan do again?" A voice called out behind her. She turned around and saw George Henning standing behind her.

Wow fantastic. Now this jerk appears.

While sitting down beside her on the bench he asked her, "What dumb thing did you do? Does it top me being scolded by my father in front of hundred people at the age of 28?"

Eira smiled at his joke.

"Nah, it doesn´t top that but it wasn´t easy either. I just met someone I didn´t want to meet ever again."

"Huh... someone like me?" George winked at her.

"No, someone worse than you." Eira smiled.

"Then I am relieved. There is still hope for me to meet you again without you staring daggers at me." George faked a relieved sigh.

"Pfff please. You have a very bad impression on me and on top of that you can still act so arrogant. Don´t think I can easily forgive you that. And because of you I had to look for someone to replace you. Luckily there was John."

"When we´re already talking about that John Johnson. I have to tell you something about him. Believe me if I say that he isn´t the calm and composed gentleman he likes to act like. He isn´t like that in real."

"And what makes you think that he isn´t like that?" Eira wasn´t sure if she should just listen to what George had to say about John. After all he had a fight with him a few moment ago and he could just be mad at him and wanted to spread some rumors.

"Listen Eira. He is a cunning fox. He knows what to do to get what he wants. Don´t just think that him coming and saving you by replacing me was all out of kindness."

"You are unreasonable. You caused all this mess and now you say John is just taking advantage of being a sponsor. You could benefit from this deal but you had to be a real jerk."

"You won´t believe me right?"

"How could I?"

"Alright then see for yourself. Why should I help you? We don´t have any relations to each other."

"You´re absolutely right. So please never badmouth a friend of mine right in front of me."

"Your friend? I don´t think he sees you as a friend." George laughed.

"... w-well we both agreed to be friends. End of discussion. I´ll go now. Talking with you always tires me out." Eira stood up and walked back to the venue.

John was standing at the entrance and talking on his phone. She walked closer to him. He saw her coming and quickly ended his call.

"Hey. Are you alright? Do you want to go home?" He asked her.

"I am alright. We don´t have to go. I promised you I would stay until the end so I am staying."

"Even with you-know-who-I-mean being there?" He worriedly asked her.

"Yeah even with that person. I can´t hide before her forever. Let´s go in."

Eira hooked her arm under John´s arm and walked inside the venue again.

After the charity gala ended John decided to drive Eira home.

She was a little drunk so when she sat in the passenger´s seat she immediately dozed off. John saw that and smiled lightly. He quickly drove to her home and carried her to her bedroom. He tucked her in and left the house.