Show time

"Are you finished?" John asked her.

"Yeah, I am done," Eira answered him. She hurriedly cleaned her desk and then finally looked properly at John.

"Why did you come here this late? Do you need anything?"

"Well I just thought it´s the weekends and we could get a drink or something."

Eira thought about it. Since she really wouldn´t do anything on weekends and hadn´t a friend to go out with right now she could use this opportunity to have some fun. Which she didn´t have any more after high school.

So she agreed.

"Yeah sure. Let´s do it."

They both exited the company and John drove her to a popular bar. Arriving there they could already a line forming to get into the bar. John walked to the security guy and greeted him and he immediately let them in. Other people were staring at them judging, seeing a rich boy skipping the line just because he has money to do that. Eira just ignored the people looking at them and followed John inside. She was excited to have fun tonight and decided to forget for tonight that she was a CEO.

John led her to the bar where the bartender was already mixing a whole array of different drinks. He put on a little show for the spectators. When the bartender saw John coming in he greeted him briefly. John pulled a char at the bar for Eira and she sat down. They both until the bartender had finished making his orders he then came straight to them.

"Hello, John. What do you like?" He friendly asked.

John looked at her and passed on the question to her.

"What do you want to drink?"

Eira thought for a while and just said the first thing that came into her mind.

"Do you have something with strawberries?"

The bartender nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah, we have one. The strawberry mojito."

"Hm sounds good I take that." Eira agreed to the suggestion.

"I´ll take rum on the rock," John said.

"As always." The bartender laughed.

He started to go to work and prepare the drinks.

"You come here often." Eira started the conversation.

"Yeah, I come here from time to time when I just want to have a good drink."

Eira nodded her head and didn´t know what to ask further. Silence fell upon then. Luckily their drinks were served soon.

She took a sip of her strawberry mojito and her eyes widened in surprise. The drink was cool and fruity. A little bit sour because of the lime and tangy from the mint. The rum used in it blended well into the light sweetness.

"Wow, this is really good. I could drink this all day." Eira took another sip through her straw.

"Woah slow down. You don´t taste the alcohol but there is still some in it. Be careful."

Eira looked at John and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, Mom. I know. I am old enough to know when I have to stop." She took another sip and the drink was gone. She searched for the bartender and ordered another one.

John just looked at her smiling.

"Don´t ask me later why I didn´t stop you. You clearly wanted this." He said.

Eira soon got drunk. She stood up and went to the dance floor to dance to the music.

She lost track of time and space and she didn´t care who was dancing with her. She just moved her body to the rhythm and enjoyed herself.

She also forgot about John who she thought might still be sitting at the bar waiting for her.

After hours of dancing, she finally collapsed on a nearby chair and panted heavily. She shortly closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath again. She was laughing to herself.

Suddenly a cloth was held above her nose and move and someone pulled her backward. She tried to make a sound and to call out for help but the hand holding the cloth pressed it firmly against her face. She tried to loosen the grip of that person on her and tried to bite the hand through the cloth. The person still dragged her with him. Another person came in front of her and pulled up her legs and carried her with the other person to the back door of the bar. They exited it and entered into a van. When they were in the door immediately closed and the car drove off. Inside the van, two more people were waiting and they tied her up and took another cloth to tie it on her eyes for her not to see.

Eira shuddered in fear. She was getting kidnapped again. This time she wasn´t unconscious and that made her even more scared. She tried to wiggle and push the people aside to somehow escape but she was simply outnumbered.

The car drove for a long time and Eira had sometimes along the way gave up. She didn´t fight back anymore and was just waiting for what was going to happen.

The car stopped after an eternity and she was dragged out of the car and then carried away. She heard stones and sand crunch in between the steps of the people surrounding her and she heard a river flowing nearby.

She tried to listen more carefully so she might find out some clues where she was being kidnapped at but there was no use because she was soon carried inside a building and was tied on a chair.


This felt too similar like the first time she was kidnapped.

The memories came back and she shivered in fear. Her heart clenched when she thought back at the night where...

... where her father died.

It doesn´t matter that she got almost raped then. The fact that she lost her only family was just horrific. Tears started to swell up. A muffled cry came out of her mouth because the cloth was still there. She could hear several steps going around her and a door slamming shut.

Eira´s mind was a mess and she tried to calm it down to look intensively for a solution. She cursed herself for not being careful enough.

Suddenly everything went silent. It was as if the whole world was holding their breath.

And she also held her breath to wait for what was going to happen.