Rescue is coming

While Eira was dancing excitedly in the bar John just sat at his place and waited for the drug to slowly take its effect to weaken her and made her forget time and space. He smiled darkly thinking of what he was going to do and silently already celebrated himself and the plan for going so smoothly. What he didn´t know was that another man had entered the bar and he saw Eira dancing wildly in the crowd. He made his way to the end of the room and sat down at a lounge chair to watch her.

He decided to enjoy the night and have a few drinks. But when he looked at the dance floor again Eira was gone. He let his gaze wander around the room and he saw that she was sitting at a chair nearby and was resting. What made him alert was that a man came behind her and held a cloth at her mouth to prevent her from screaming and another man quickly came blindfolded her and they quickly carried her away.

None of the people there had noticed that. It went by too quickly. Those men were skilled. He wanted to follow them to see what they were planning to do with her but he stopped when he saw that John was also following those men outside. He thought that Eira was safe and wanted to sit down again and just don´t meddle into things that weren´t his but he coincidentally saw the murderous look on John´s face and contemplated again.

He then decided to sneak behind them and see what was going on and if it´s nothing he would just go back. With that in mind he also quietly followed John. The two men had put Eira in a black van. They looked back at John.

The man following them all quickly hid in the shadow so he wouldn´t be seen.

In the shadow, he saw John nodded back at the men and then walked to his own car which was parked behind the van. The van quickly drove off and the car of John followed.

This was all too suspicious. The man took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Yo, it´s me. A suspicious black van is driving away from Club M right now. Follow them."

He didn´t wait for the other one to answer and just ended the call. He then walked to his own car and followed John´s car.

When they almost left the city his phone rang. He answered it quickly.

"We have them. You shouldn´t get too close. Your car stands out. I think they are heading out of the city. Make a left turn at the next street and change to another car." The voice over the phone informed him.

"Good I am coming. Don´t lose them. There is something fishy going on."

He made a left turn like suggested in drove into a little side street. There his own driver was already waiting for him with an ... ugly car. A fiat 500 star to be exact.

He scrunched his nose and reluctantly sat down in the passenger seat.

"I hope this is worth it." He mumbled to himself.

His driver quickly started the ignition and they drove to the main rode again. They sped off quickly and soon caught up to John´s car and the black van.

They held a safe distance to not get noticed but also not to lose them. The van soon and the cars following him soon left the city as predicted and drove along a country road. They passed the last houses and soon there was nothing around them besides nature itself.

The man cursed because in the open field the others would surely notice him even though he had a very normal looking car. He instructed his driver to stop and he pulled out his phone.

"Do you still see them?"

"Yes, we do."

"Okay track them down and tell me the location where they are heading. Get some men ready. We have to be careful."

"Yes, sir."

With that, the phone call ended again.

The man shut his eyes closed and took a deep breath. He visualized the area in his thoughts and pinned down a few locations that the cars could be heading to.

He thought for a while and suddenly realization hit him. There is only one option.

Heh, it always pays off to know your enemy well.

He quickly made another phone call while instructing his driver to slowly start driving again.

"They are heading to the hangar right?"

"Yes, it seems so."

"Good. Make your men ready. I´ll head there now."

He again cut the line and instructed his driver to leave the main road and go to a different one.

When they arrived the black van was already parked and also John´s car was standing there. He carefully let the car stop a few hundred meters away. Soon a group of armed men also arrived. They greeted him briefly.

He instructed two of them to go near the hangar to see what was going on while he took a binocular that was handed to him and inspected the area from afar.

Over some headphones and microphones, he could hear and speak to the two men. They cleared the area and reported back to him.

"Sir all of the men are inside the hangar. There are about ten of them. John Johnson is there too. Eira Morgan is currently tied down in the middle of the room. What should we do?"

He smiled and looked at the rest of his group.

"We have about the same amount of men. But we surely are better prepared. Let´s get her out of there. You guys get on the roof. The rest surround the hangar. At my command, we will storm the building and capture all of them at once. Don´t shoot if it isn´t necessary."

The men nodded and soon headed out to do as he said.

He turned around and went to the back seat of the car. At the bottom of it, he took out a gun and also followed his men.