End of the 5th round

Fabiola and the big cook stood beside each other. His plate came to the judges first.

The plate was revealed and a whole little pig was revealed. Its skin glistened in a caramel golden color. A sweet fragrance was emitted from it.

The Chinese chef took a knife and cut right into it. When he put out his knife he looked surprised. He then cut another time and put out a piece of the pig to let the other two see what was inside the pig. Eira and the Italian chef leaned forward to see. They looked at the plate and started to laugh.

"Wow, I really thought it was real. We got fooled. Awesome." The Italian chef laughed.

"It sure did. I couldn´t believe my eyes when I cut into it and saw a cake inside of the pig." The Chinese chef chimed in.

The pig was actually a cake. After it was in shape it was coated with hard caramel to make it glisten like the pig just got out of the roaster. Then it was painted all over to look more realistic.

They dig into the cake and tasted it. There were bits of bacon in it so it was sweet but kinda savory too. A great combination.

They nodded in delight. This was good. Of course, this dish passed.

Next came the strawberry spaghetti from Fabiola Beaufort.

The presentation looked nice but it was really a simple dish. The spaghetti noodles are in fact nothing more than ice cream. The strawberry sauce was just a simple jam. It was good. The idea is mediocre. But there was nothing special to it. It wasn´t anything new.

"Fabiola, this is a delicious dish. We all enjoyed the ice cream but... it´s nothing new. There is nothing bad about this dish but the idea itself isn´t a new invention. It isn´t a new creation. And if we have to compare to the other two dishes that passed... it´s just normal. Nothing that stays in mind. I am sorry. You didn´t pass." Eira explained to her.

Fabiola looked disappointed to the ground. She didn´t want to cry because everything Miss Morgan said was true. But still, it hurt.

After that, the 5th round officially came to an end. The interviewer walked to the remaining two contestants to get a statement from them.

From Bear, he just got a grumble and a hard stare. From Mr. YX, he just got a "No comment."

The interviewer decided to talk to Fabiola Beaufort because she seemed not to mind him and gladly exchanged a view words with him.

With tears glistening in her eyes she thanked everyone for their support.

"Thank you so much. I got this so far because of it. I also want to thank Mr. YX for helping me out. I really saved me from a big embarrassment. I wish him all the best and hope he wins." She smiled charmingly into the camera and bowed to leave.

Then the interviewer walked to the judges to get a statement from them. The Chinese chef and the Italian chef both were excited to see the winner in this competition. They had high hopes for both of the contestants and wished them good luck.

"Miss Eira what do you think about the two contestants. If you have to guess which one will win?" The interviewer asked.

"I can´t say who is going to win. Like the two chefs here already said I am also excited to see who it is going to be. Both of the contestants had given us amazing dishes in the past rounds and I am sure they will amaze us even more in the last round."

"You are the organizer of this event so could you maybe tell us who Mr. YX is truly is? Everyone is wondering about that." He asked her further.

"I am sorry I also don´t know that. I only saw the names of all hundred contestants at the beginning where I had taken notes of their dishes. Still, I mostly worked with their entrance numbers so I can´t possibly know all the names. I am sorry but I also don´t know who Mr. YX is but that doesn´t matter. He is a great cook. We should judge him for his skills and not his name."

The interviewer thanked her for her answer and ended the live broadcast.

Helen came to Eira to give her a bottle of water.

"That was a hard day. Are you feeling ok? You tried so many dishes in the past days I am sure you are sick of it already." She joked. Eira smiled at her lightly.

"I am sure sick of food for a while. I didn´t eat anything else than the food I had to taste. The mass rounds were the hardest. Trying so many dishes. Ugh. I am glad that tomorrow all of this is over."

Eira and Helen started walked to the parking lot. In the middle of their way, they saw Fabiola standing in front of the chef with the face mask, Mr. YX. Her face was bright red like she was blushing and she was nervously biting her lips while gripping her shirt tightly.

Mr. YX just stood there emotionless. At least it seemed like it since the face mask covered half of his face and everything you could read his emotions from are his eyes. And they just looked blatantly at her. He crossed his arms and said something to her. She looked at him and tears were starting to form again. He didn´t comfort her or anything but just walked past her to his car and drove away leaving her standing like that on the same spot.

"Don´t you think he was a little rude to her Miss Morgan?" Helen whispered to her while they were quietly walking past Fabiola from a distance.

"It is hard to say because we don´t know what they talked about. But I sure seemed cold to her. Let´s not judge too soon. We don´t know their history." Eira adviced her and walked to her car.

"Don´t you think we should talk to her?" Helen asked her again.

"No, I don´t think we should. Let her be. Besides I am already late for the meeting. Let´s speed some things up. Ask her another time when you see her." Eira quickly got into her car and waited for Helen her secretary to take a seat in the passenger seat. They both drove off to the meeting also leaving Fabiola standing and quietly crying to herself.