Grandma´s interrogation

Eira looked at grandpa and teared up.

"... Grandpa... dad is... he is not here anymore." This was the first time after the funeral that she had said it out loud. She couldn´t.

Grandpa´s face paled in shock then his eyes softened and he hugged her tightly.

"Oh, my little Eiri. I am so sorry."

Eira sobbed quietly until grandma came back. Grandpa just had to say, "Her dad." and she immediately understood. She also went to hug Eira.

Grandma took out a handkerchief and gave it to her. They all sat down to talk.

"So how did he die?" Grandma asked carefully.

"He was shot by a man running away from the police," Eira answered.

"How outrageous. Where is that man now? I hope he got what he deserves." Grandpa exclaimed in anger.

"Don´t worry grandpa. They found him later dead in the river." Eira flatly said.

"My poor thing. What did you went through and now this? I am so sorry dear. If we knew we could have-" Grandma started to say but Eira interrupted her.

"No. It´s okay. I didn´t want to tell you because I didn´t want you to worry. I am an adult now. I can take care of myself."

The couple looked at each other and sighed.

"Alright, now that you are here I make you your favorite." Grandpa gladly changed the topic and went back to the kitchen.

"Right here are your drinks. Enjoy them." Grandma gave them the drinks and went to help her husband.

That left Eira alone with George.

"They are a sweet couple." He commented.

"Yeah, they are. They took care of me a lot when I was young. I owe them a lot. Sorry that we ignored you like that earlier."

"No problem. I could see that you missed each other. I would be out of place interrupting that." George smiled gently.

"Here you are. Your favorite cucumber salad. Enjoy it. The rest will come shortly." Grandma came back with two bowls of salad. She smiled at Eira and then looked at George.

"By the way who is this young man, Eiri?" She asked Eira.

"He is my employee." Eira shortly answered while eating her salad.

"Your employee? Do you often take them to eat like this?" Grandma asked further.

"No grandma. We usually have company dinners. But I had to bring him back home so we decided to eat something." Eira answered while continuing eating.

"Do you usually bring your employee back home?" Grandma inquired.

"No. He doesn´t have a car and he asked me." Eira shrugged and didn´t stop to eat her salad. She truly loved this salad. It looks simple but so much care went into it. So she didn´t really give the questions of grandma much thought.

"There is something going on between you two, right? Something happened." Grandma stated.

Without much thought, Eira honestly answered.


At the same time when that left her mouth, Eira realized her mistake.

"I mean, NO. There is no nothing going on." She tried to take it back.

Wait. `There is no nothing going on.´?

"Grandma there is nothing going on." Eira tried to take her words back without success.

Grandma chuckled.

"How cute you are. Isn´t she?" Grandma asked George.

He smiled brightly.

"She is." He winked at Eira who tried to stop Grandma.

"Grandma listen. There is nothing. He is just an employee. Don´t get the wrong idea."

"Sure. And I am the queen. You are blushing my dear. I still remember the first day I had with your grandpa. At school, we tried to deny that we liked each other. How wonderful those days were." Grandma thought back on her old days.

Her gaze went to George again.

"You did something right? Our innocent Eiri would never do something. She is too timid. But you young man look very experienced." She observed him closely.

George was now the one who was taken aback.

"Ma´am. I would." He saw that Grandma looked sharply at her and gulped.

"Well... yes I did something. But really, it wasn´t anything bad. I mean, that doesn´t really consider as something really..." Not missing the judging look of grandma he tried to explain himself.

"So what did you do that you consider it as basically nothing. This is our precious Eiri we are talking about." Grandma´s tone became serious.

"I only kissed her on the cheek." George gave his resistance up and confessed.

"ONLY the cheek? Nothing else?" Grandma inquired further.

"It was two times the cheek and one time the neck. Nothing more I swear." George honestly revealed making Eira blush.

"Young man..." Grandma came closer to him. Even grandpa had heard the questioning and was looking out of the kitchen to see what his wife was doing to the young man.

"You... are...."

Eira now also feared for George´s life. She never saw grandma this serious ever before. The small woman stood above George and looked down at him with a sinister look.

" handsome. I am glad you like our little Eiri." Grandma patted George on the shoulder and squeezed his cheek.

Everyone sighed in relieve. Eira didn´t notice that she had held her breath.

"Grandma. You scared me." Eira exclaimed.

Grandma turned around and winked at her.

"Sorry. I wanted to see how he felt about you. It´s all clear now." Grandma clapped happily."But I am still watching you, young man." Grandma pointed at George seriously.

"Yes, Ma´am." George laughed and relaxed.

Right at that moment grandpa came out of the kitchen and placed their food on the table.

"Here you go. I´ve made you some pulled pork with mac and cheese and extra cheese sauce. And here we have some fluffy buns to go with it. I hope you enjoy it." He smiled at them and left them to enjoy their meal.

"Thank you, grandpa. It smells so good. I´ve really missed it." Saliva was already forming in both George and Eira´s mouth. The smell was intoxicating. They immediately dug in.

Satisfied with their meal they finished everything and when grandma bought them the dessert they ate it despite being full. So good was the food.

Dessert was the one dessert that Eira would eat every time. At every time in the day. If she can only eat one dessert, she would choose that one.

It´s Flan. Custardy and soft with wonderful caramel on top of it.

At the sight of it, Eira jumped in joy.

"I didn´t have it for such a long time. I´ve tried the ones they sell in the supermarket. I already tried some made by some patissier. But no one makes such good flan like you grandma." Eira exclaimed.

"I agree. This is so good." George added.

"What do you do that it doesn´t have any air bubbles? And how did you get it to be so smooth and soft?" He curiously asked.

Grandma laughed in the joy of the praise.

"Oh thank you. The recipe is..." She looked at George smiling.

"It´s a secret. This has to stay in our family, so only Eira can learn the recipe. If you want to know that you have to be in our family." She winked at him mischievously.

"Grandma. You´re such a tease." Eira laughed.