Today is the day. The BAZOO official launched the new product. The "Surprise Wrap". Made for everyone. Early in the morning already a lot of people lined up in front of the restaurant to get one of those wraps. They didn´t take preorder because Eira wanted to see their reaction immediately after they ate their wrap. With the supply, John had sent her the kitchen could continue focusing on perfecting the wraps. Like Eira had thought a lot of people also tried to make a reservation at the restaurant itself so that they could order the wrap along with other dishes of the restaurant. That meant more profit for the BAZOO itself. Eira was happy that at last everything went well.
George worked hard in the kitchen yelling instruction at the apprentices to hurry up.
The whole day went by in a flash and the second day already was there.
But to her surprise, only half the amount of people from the day before came to try the wrap. Worriedly she took out her phone and randomly searched in the news for the articles she had let publish to make the wraps known. The article already shot to the most searched one in the net but another thing also ranked right below it. An article about food poisoning.
With a bad premonition, she opened the article and read through it. She gritted her teeth when she saw what was written in it. It made her so furious that she almost threw her phone to the wall.
"This damn man. He never gives up." She clenched her fists and stormed into the office of the manager. She took her bag and threw last commands to the manager himself and stepped out. She hurriedly drove back to her office. Helen looked at her in surprise but she couldn´t even ask and Eira had already stormed past her.
Eira quickly looked up the people responsible for that shameless article and also tried to find out the names of the victims of the food poisoning. Frustrated that she only knew the name of the person who wrote that article she quickly walked into Liam´s office.
"Stop whatever you are doing. I need you to do something." She barged in.
Liam looked at her in shock and put up his hands.
"Okayyy... what happened? I am working on the advertisement for the new product but sure that can wait." He said sarcastically but that only made Eira´s face turn stone cold.
"If this thing isn´t solved immediately than your work is pointless." She answered him sternly.
"Okay tell me." Liam sighed already thinking of the worse.
"That old Henning put out an article claiming our wraps are bad and there are already victims suffering from food poisoning. The worst is that it´s published from THE NEWS. They are big news company. We can´t just put out another article to claim that they are wrong. No one would believe us. I need to find the so-called victims and get them to talk." Every time Eira said ´victim´ she made air quote gestures and rolled her eyes.
"Who is the one that wrote that groundless article?" Liam asked.
"It´s someone called Zed. I am already trying to contact him but up till now it´s not going good." Eira massaged her temples.
Liam didn´t say anything else and started to work. After a while, he looked up again.
"I might have found him. We have to be quick. The surveillance cameras spotted him at our storage. I think he is trying to find some more dirt from us."
Eira nodded and walked to the elevator.
"Come on, hurry. He might be gone when we arrive." She shouted back at Liam. He took his laptop and ran to her. In a flash, they arrived at Eira´s car and while she drove to the storage room Liam tried to observe every action of the reporter. He also talked on the phone with one of the workers at the storage room to find him and corner him.
Eira sped through the streets while he gave instructions to the man over the phone.
"He is at the east end. Get some people and corner him. We will arrive shortly. Don´t let him escape. Goddammit. Just ambush him or knock him out. You guys are built like bulls don´t tell me you can´t catch one little rat. Come on you got this." Liam began to shout into his phone.
Despite the situation, Eira had to chuckle. ... built like bulls... come on that is somehow funny ;-)
With screeching tires Eira halted the car in front of the big storage unit. She went out of the car behind Liam and he quickly walked around it with his laptop in hand. They could hear noises in a distance and walked furter to it.
When they turned a corner they could see five men circling one young man who looked frightened left and right for a way to escape. Eira cleared her throat and walked past the human wall to the reporter.
"Are you Zed?" She aske him.
The man seemed to recognize her and smiled.
"Why should I tell you?"
"Because I asked you to." Eira answered flatly.
"I didn´t do anything wrong. So let me go." Zed retorted.
"Of course you can go... BUT we will have one little problem then." Eira smirked and walked closer to the man.
"You trespassed on private ground and snooped around so I have any right to check your belongings and also I can file a report against you. Oh and if I happen to find out that you damaged my company´s reputation I can also file a report with that too. And there is one little detail I didn´t mention yet." Eira´s smirk grew wider seeing that her little threat had get some reaction from Zed.
"If by chance I find in your belongings that you were bribed by someone else to famish me... let´s say for example Henning Corp I am sure it wouldn´t look that nice for you, am I right?"
Zed looked shocked but regained his composure.
"You can´t prove anything and you can´t do anything against me. You are just a small company. What can you do against Henning Corp. They will smash you to the ground before you can blink. There is nothing you could do to me. Nothing." He spat out.
Eira raised her brow. She nodded in approvement and then turned around to Liam.
"Liam? I am sure you have everything recorded and you also looked through his data right?"
Zed´s face grew pale. He didn´t expect someone to openly hack into his phone.
"You can´t do that!" He screamed. "Now you are violating my privacy. You can´t just look through my phone without permission!"
Eira laughed and shrugged.
"Henning would never admit his connection to you. And if we both get investigated for this I am sure that you would get more loss than me. You are just a reporter. I am the CEO of a mediocre company who is right now growing bigger and bigger. Don´t you think that the things we have against you are bigger than the fact that we had to hack into your phone to find the truth?"
Eira knew it was dangerous to trigger Zed so that they would end up both in court but she had to do it. There was no other way.
"YOU!!!" His face reddened and he had his fists balled.
"What do you want?" He looked at her seething in anger.
See? It worked.
Eira smiled warmly at him.
"I just want to find the ones who claimed to get a food poisoning of my food. That´s all."
Zed grumbled and bit his lips furiously.
"We will let all this slide when I tell you the names?" He asked.
"Of course. I will erase the whole footage of our encounter." Eira agreed.
"You won´t tell Henning that I told you the information?" He asked again.
"I won´t."
"Then give me compensation money. Then I also won´t tell people about your evil deeds." Zed waited for Eira to agree.
She laughed and shook her head.
"Don´t go too far. You won´t get anything from me. I will keep silent and everyone here will forget this happening. That is all I can do."
Zed breathed in. "Alright. Here are the names. Now let me go." He gave her a crumbled paper and started to walk away.
Eira opened it and looked at it satisfied.
When Zed walked past Liam he shot him an angry glare. Liam chuckled and leaned down to him to whisper something into his ears.
"Nice pics." And started to laugh when Zed turned fiery red again.