Chapter 1

He looked around himself and found nothing but darkness. He woke up because he noticed that instead of on his comfy bed, he was sleeping on some hard surface. The only light in the room was coming from behind the grids of this cage. It was some kind of hallway outside.

His heart was beating very fast and he was of course very scared. He lived a pretty boring life before and something like this had never happened to him. The only possible explanation for this situation was that he was somehow kidnapped. But he didn't know why. All kinds of theories were going around in his head.

He remained in that state for about 30 minutes, when the cage was opened by someone. One middle-aged man entered and gave him a plate of some food. It was some curry, rice and a glass of water. The man immediately exited.

He managed to see that man had 2 red dots above his eyebrows on his forehead before he left.

After some thinking, he got one crazy idea. He realized that members of the certain clan in series he used to watch before had the same markings on their faces like this man. Coupled with this cage and the whole situation, he got that crazy idea.

What if he transmigrated into the body of his favorite character of Naruto series, Kimimaro?

Outside of being his favorite, Kimimaro was also the most underrated Naruto character of all time in his opinion.

He was Elite Jonin level shinobi for sure. He managed to defeat all of the "Sound 4" ninjas single-handedly, as well as participate in the assassination of the Fourth Kazekage.

And that all was while having to live with a serious illness. He had a theory that Kimimaro couldn't move on his own from the bed at all. Instead, he controlled the bones in his body to move. Having to go through that and having those achievements of his was really exceptional.

Immediately his heart stopped beating so fast and he calmed down. He realized that his wish really came true.

He always wished to transmigrate into some kind of fantasy world where high-level fighting was possible. The fighting of his past world was pretty boring. There were no Qi, Chakra or other energies. It was pretty boring to say at least. He trained and watched MMA in his spare time but that didn't excite him too much.

Just imagining what kind of fights may be possible for him in the future, he got a crazy dopamine rush and was very happy.

He really had no attachment to his previous world. He didn't have any siblings, his father left when he was young. And his mother died 5 years ago...

He always likes to plan things ahead and stick to that plan. That was why he was fairly successful and had a little money in his past life on Earth. He owned a couple of online businesses that allowed him to spend his free time training or reading various novels, mangas and watching anime.

His first goal was to get rid of that mysterious illness of the past Kimimaro. That was a must if he wanted to survive, also if he wanted to become a Kage level fighter in the future. He theorized that without that illness, Kimimaro would be a Kage level for sure.

But that also wasn't enough for him. In order to have even better fights in the future, he needed even more power. More chakra and better techniques. He had many ideas, of course, he was a crazy Naruto fan after all. He knew a lot of things about this series.

But first things first. He needed to escape from this cage. That was fairly easy though, he will just kill his way through after they let him lose to deal with their enemies. These guys that imprisoned him were brain-dead weak idiots from Kaguya clan after all.

After that, he will have to solve his illness. He thinks that this illness is unique to this body and that's it's on a gene level. It could be some kind of genetic mutation unique to only him, or other Shikotsumyaku users as well. Not that he had any info on them though.

That's why he will have to figure this out on his own. Also, he would need Orochimaru's help, otherwise there's really no way...

His musings came to stop, as the cage opened again. This time it was a different middle-aged man.

He had a crazy grin on his face and asked: "Are you ready, boy?".