Chapter 12

The journey to the Ryuchi Cave took him nearly two days to complete. Soon he was nearing it and entered into some kind of grey mist.

After walking a couple more steps, he realized someone was observing him from above. He also realized that he probably entered into some kind of genjutsu already.

His guess was confirmed even more when he came across a large Chinese-like nicely decorated bright mansion with the sign saying 'Ryuchi Cave' on it.

The bright doors of the mansion opened and one beautiful white faced lady opened it.

She said "Welcome to the Ryuchi Cave dear guest, my name is Tagorihime, please allow me to serve you properly"

"Okay" Kimimaro said as they entered.

The interior of this building was even more impressive than the outside. Everything was bright and nicely decorated.

"Please treat yourself at home. First, try these delicious meals I specially prepared while I go and inform my master about your visit " Tagorihime said gently.

"I think I'll pass on that offer, but please do go in and inform your master about my visit" Kimimaro said impatiently.

The lady twitched a little and asked in a strange voice: "Are you sure you don't want to try it?"

Kimimaro said: "I have no reasons to try it. Not to mention, I sensed that I entered some kind of genjutsu the moment I came here. Was it your doing?"

The lady looked a little shocked than started to get angry, she suddenly transformed into some kind of snake-like creature and started flying in the air.

The whole decorations and brightness disappeared. Everything became gloomy. Skeletons of different people became visible at the floor. The food she tried giving him, became rotten.

"Hiss, you should've just eaten the food kid" She tried to attack him, but before she could. Another female voice stopped her and explained that he passed the first test, so she should let him go ahead.

The angry snake lady said something, then left. He continued forward.

There was a younger lady in similar clothes a little ahead. He followed her into some kind blue cave. Once he got in, the cave suddenly closed and he was trapped.

The younger lady suddenly started saying something about waiting for him to despair then devour him. He only managed to catch that if he solves that puzzle on the wall, he could go ahead.

There were thousands of pieces scattered everywhere on the floor. 'I ain't got time for these kid's games' he thought ready to destroy this whole building and kill the lady.

But before he proceeded, he realized something.

He then came near the holes and used his fluid bones to fill out the places where the real puzzle pieces should've been.

He then said: "Since nowhere is mentioned that I need to use only your pieces from this cave, I'll assume that I passed this test" the cave then opened.

The lady looked shocked and said: "Yes... you passed"

But the soon as he exited the cave. Something sneaked up behind him ready to attack. 'Bone Shield' he thought as his hardest bones started protecting him from the attack like the Gaara's sand jutsu from the original.

Once the attack failed he dissolved the shield and said in an angry voice: "What the actual fuck is wrong with this cave, you better stop messing with me right now or else I'll bury you and this whole damned cave to the ground"

He pulled a bone whip from his spine ready to massacre this third snake lady. She looked terrified at the sheer size of his bloodlust.

"Stop! That is enough, you passed all the tests. Tagitsuhime please escort him into the main cave" before he could begin his action, an elderly voice sounded out.

After that, the third lady who attacked him motioned him to follow her, still terrified from his previous outburst.

He soon entered the new cave. This one was fairly big as well. There was only one couch in the thing and on it was lying some kind of disgusting snake-grandma hybrid. 'Disgusting' he thought.

"You're qualified to learn senjutsu and Sage Mode from us. But what I'm curious is how did you manage to find this place" she asked in the equally disgusting voice.

He was really disgusted by her whole being but didn't let it show. This was the Great White Snake Sage, after all. "Orochimaru gave me the location" he answered truthfully.

"Orochimaru..." The hybrid was in deep thought.

After some time, she asked: "What is your reason for wanting to learn it?"

"It's to become stronger of course" Kimimaro replied matter-of-factly.

She nodded at his answer, then said. "Follow me, we'll begin the training immediately"


Two days earlier in Konoha's secret room a secret meeting was being held. The third Hokage, two civil advisors, Hiashi Hyuuga, Shikaku Naru, Chouza Akimichi, Inoichi Yamanaka and Asuma Sarutobi.

They're currently the most influential and strongest people left in Konoha. Others were either missing or on a mission.

Hokage sighed and said: "Start with the number of casualties first Shikaku"

Shikaku replied "Yes Hokage-sama. The total number of casualties is 128 people altogether. Ordinary civilians and Hyuuga clansmen were the ones most affected. Nearly half of Hyuuga population were murdered. Only three official Konoha shinobi died. Others were all civilians."

Hiashi looked really sad, unable to even speak. Hokage looked tired and asked again "But's not all, is it?"

"We haven't found the whereabouts of jonin Kakashi Hatake. Academy student Sasuke Uchiha and the six ANBU tasked to watch over him disappeared as well"

Other people were silent and just listened. "What do you make of all of this Shikaku?"

"It's obvious to me that the attack on the Hyuuga compound was used as a diversion tactic. Their real goal was Sasuke Uchiha, I'm afraid. Kakashi Hatake may happen to confront or stumble against the perpetrators, but then lost and I'm afraid passed away."

The pressure in the whole room was heavy. "Tell me honestly, who do you think is behind the attack, Shikaku?"

"In my humble opinion, I think it was Danzo. I'm 80% sure about it. Not to mention his personal summon. Everything else points to the underground Konoha sewer system. Danzo always controlled the Konoha's underground systems. I think that this is where he escaped after kidnapping Sasuke Uchiha as well. He later brought him to his underground base. We received news that he closed every road to his base and barricaded himself and his forces in it"

"I know this is what you all think too. But we can't afford a confrontation with Danzo right now. I'm not sure even if we can win, to be honest. And we'll be left too vulnerable to attacks from other villages after that. Do you have any other suggestions Shikaku?" seeing Hiashi and other getting mads Hokage asked Shikaku for help.

"Wasn't Sasuke Uchiha the loved younger brother of Itachi Uchiha? It's simple. We'll call him to get here and deal with Danzo. We'll help as much as we can as well"

"Let's do that" Hokage said.