Chapter 18

As the meeting ended, Kimimaro thought about this mission and the Akatsuki in general. The reason why he joined Akataski is that they both have the same goals, and joining Akatsuki means more strong opponents for himself. He wants to speed up the ten tails recovery a little too.

He started running towards the Land of Lightning and Kumogakure village. Like his previous journeys, this one will also be pretty fast. The Land of Lighting was really close to the Land of Sound. He'll have to pass one or two small villages to get there.

One of those villages being Yugakure located in the Land of Hot Water. It is a famous tourist attraction in this world.

Like the country in which it resides, Yugakure has strong inclinations towards pacifism. After years of reluctantly offering combat-related services, Yugakure officially transitioned away from the typical shinobi missions; it prides itself as the "village that has forgotten wars".

The village's ninja now work almost exclusively within the Land of Hot Water's borders, keeping the roads safe for tourists.

He soon entered that village. It was really busy and there were tourists everywhere. Since he came here, he decided to try those famous Japanese hot springs he heard about in his past life. He asked for the direction of the best hot spring in this village. He wants to try only the best.

'I hope it won't disappoint me like that ramen did' He thought as he entered the building from the directions he received. He took off his clothes and entered the man's section.

'Thankfully there are not many people' he said as he entered the water. It was surprisingly good, he thought. He remained still for some time, but since he was bored, he decided to take a look at this whole village with his senjtutsu.

But as soon as he did that he noticed something. Just in female hot spring next to his, there was a massive chakra presence. That presence also looked like it sealed away its powers.

'Who could that be?' he thought again.

'Wait! This village is located near the famous gambling Tanzaku Quarters in the Land of Fire'

'Could it really be Tsunade?' he was of course very happy now. Tsunade was also in his top five favorite female characters in Naruto list. Her mature charm and her giant boobs can't be denied.

He decided to try to make a move on her too. As soon she left the hot spring, he left too, following her silently from a distance.

Tsunade was currently sitting at the dining part of this hot spring in her bathrobe. She was eating loudly and drinking alcohol. Many empty cups already standing on her table. She was broke, so she planned to eat and drink as much as she could, then dip. Shizune already left embarrassed, not willing to involve herself with it.

She was too occupied by her actions and didn't notice the white-haired teenager now appearing near her table.

"Is this table taken my lady?" He asked. Other tables were really somewhat all taken.

She just ignored him, so he took a seat. He smiled a little and said "It's my first time seeing a lady behave like this. Just look at how other guests look at us"

"You plan to dip, don't you? That's why you're eating and drinking so much" he said confident in his guess.

"How did you know?" she stopped her actions and looked at him for the first time since he came here. He was really cute, she noted.

"Well, my intuition I guess. But you really don't have to dip you know, you will probably feel bad about doing it later on when you're sober. I will pay for you." Kimimaro said generously.

"Thanks for your offer. But how can a kid like have enough money to pay for all of this?" she asked unsure about him having enough money to pay for all these meals and drinks.

"I'm not a kid! In fact, I'm an A-ranked shinobi from bingo book so I have enough money. My name is Kimimaro Kaguya" he replied a little annoyed. He had some reputation in the ninja world ever since he was a kid. Doing those missions Orochimaru gave him of course.

"Hmm, I don't think I remember, you must be some unknown little criminal" Tsunade replied smirking a little. She clearly wanted to provoke him.

"Haha, then how about you fight me and see If I'm a little criminal or not" he replied and took out a bag of money on the table. That was all the money he has on himself, he earned it all during dozen of dangerous missions in his youth.

"Here, if you win, you can take all the money" he opened the bag showed all the money found in.

Tsunade looked surprised. There was really a lot of money in that bag. Probably even enough to pay all of her gambling debts as well. This looked like an easy job, there's no way this kid will be able to win over her, one of the three legendary Sanin.

"And what if I lose?" she replied now more serious than before.

"You become my wife in the future" Kimimaro replied straightforwardly.

Tsunade burst into laughter. Looking at his serious yet childish face she couldn't contain it anymore.

"Are you done?" Kimimaro asked angrily after some time.

"Okay I accept" she accepted still really confident in her strength.

'This kid is really interesting, I won't hurt him too much' she thought as they headed towards the exit. Kimimaro also paid for their bills.

Outside the hot spring behind it at an empty place, she said "Alright, come at me. Since you are an A ranked shinobi, I will also face you seriously" she stood in place and looked serious.

Kimimaro smiled and said "Okay, but please don't regret it later. Your own teasing has caused this. And please don't forget your promise later on Tsunade"

'Shit, how does he know my name? And knowing it, he was still confident in fighting against me? Tsunade suddenly got a bad feeling.

Kimimaro fired a couple of finger bullets at her that she dodged with ease, he then took out a bone from his arm and started doing his basic taijutsu bone dance that he didn't do in a long time.

'Is this some kind of Kekkai Genkai' Tsunade thought and activated her strength too. Managing to dodge everything, even breaking his bone spike in the process.

"Good strength, but can you break these ones too" Kimimaro smiled and created his bone drill from his forearm and the bone whip from his spine.

She looked at it seriously. Deciding to activate her seal before he could draw her blood and activate her phobia. She activated the seal on her forehead and soon the familiar decoration appeared.

Kimimaro attempted to trap her with his whip, but she caught onto the whip and pulled him towards her. Once he closed she wanted to punch him once and finish him fully, but he used his bone drill as a shield. She destroyed that instead of him, and then he escaped.

"Incredible. To destroy my enhanced bone drill that easy. You're the first one, Tsunade. Your raw strength is simply amazing" Kimimaro praised.

"But you have no chance to defeat me" he said as his hand touched the floor, then multiple giant bone spikes started appearing under Tsunade's feet. She jumped into the air quickly to dodge them. Attempting to escape to the roof of the nearby building.

But she didn't expect that once she was in the air, three large white bone dragons appeared in front of her. She kicked one of them away. But the remaining two trapped her, then molded her into some kind of a bone prison. Only her face was visible now.

Kimimaro got closer to her and touched her cheek. He said gently "You're now my woman, you can keep this money" he put the money besides her.

Then he said "I'm sure that we will meet again in the future. Please don't forget our promise, Tsunade" he said smiling, then left.

The bone spikes and prison dissolved soon. Tsunade looked at his back sighed and said "At what did I involve myself in just now?"