Chapter 20

Samui felt really unlucky just now. Ever since that incident back then in Hidden Leaf Village, everything changed. Konoha's power and influence nearly halved. Even though the other four big villages wouldn't attack Konoha directly because they wanted to keep the current balance of the world. That didn't mean that they wouldn't try to take a little advantage of the situation.

They all had a silent agreement to do the following thing. Konoha prided itself in being a righteous village, so instead of conquering smaller ninja villages around it, they made them all a partnership and protection offers.

Those villages would pay Konoha a yearly protection fee, and Konoha would protect them against the other four big villages trying to swallow them, so they could keep their independence.

But now, Konoha has neither the power nor energy to that anymore. Konoha being in the center of ninja world made dozens of smaller village be under its protection over the years. But now the other four big villages started swallowing those smaller villages forcing them to be it's vassal states since Konoha couldn't protect them anymore.

In Kumo's case, the village they wanted to conquer was called Shimogakure in the Land of Frost. Samui personally was tasked in leadership on this mission. She also took a dozen of other jonins and chunins on this mission with her.

The reason why this village was being targeted by Kumo specifically, was that there were some historical records suggesting that there might be more to this village than it meets the eye.

But Samui didn't see anything but miles of snow ahead of her when she first came here. She and her temporary teammates followed some kind of map and soon arrived at where Shimogakure should be located in.

But, before they decided to go in, she felt like something was watching over them. So, she looked behind her and found one really creepy bird covered in snow with blue eyes watching them from a tree.

Despite that, they soon entered. The village was looking like she expected it to look. There were all kinds of small houses around, but all of them covered in snow. No people could be seen around running around. The snow blizzard here was very strong.

They soon arrived at the center of this village. There was some kind of giant castle made out of ice and snow standing there. She ordered her teammates to follow behind her and entered.

The interior of the castle was really extraordinary, everything inside was made out of ice. But still, no human being could be seen.

They sound found themselves staring at the door of the main room of this castle, they entered. What waited for them however was one big ice throne and a middle-aged man with light blue hair and beard sitting on it.

He looked arrogant and proud like overlooking the heaves. They all pulled out their weapons and looked ready for battle.

He opened his mouth "My birds already notified me of your entry. You're from Kumogakure I presume?" he then asked looking at their headbands.

Samui signaled men beside her to stop a little, and she said "I take it that you're the leader of this place? Yes, we've come here by the order of our Raikage and Lightning Daimyō. We want you to allow Kumogakure forces to enter here, conduct research of what has been happening here for years. And to incorporate the Land of Frost as our vessel of course"

"That's impossible, sigh" middle-aged man said and sighted.

"I guess Konoha has fallen since you dared to come here? Doesn't matter either way. I'll accelerate my plans a little bit then" he said then clasped his hands together and soon the whole castle trembled and crumbled.

Then all of a sudden, a large Jeti made of snow appeared beside them.

"Catch them" he ordered it.

"What's happening? Do you want to go against the Land of Lighting?" one of the Kumo ninjas asked angrily.

"Well, you picked a fight with me remember? I'll first use you to get some ransom from the Raikage, then I'll decide on what to do next" he said, then he looked at Samui and her exposed cleavage.

"I didn't have a woman for years so I'll keep you here as my plaything, be grateful" he said looking seriously but also a little lewdly now.

'I would've started my plan even sooner had I known Kumo's kunoichi were so sexy' he couldn't help himself, already imagining what he would do to this young kunoichi later in his bedroom.

This village was very isolated, and the women here looked all dry and ugly due to harsh weather conditions. Not to mention now that most of the residents of this village died as sacrifices to that snow crystal.

The snow crystal was his family's heirloom, but only he managed to uncover it's secret function. The more people he sacrifices to it, the stronger he gets. He also got a snow release power ever since the first sacrifice he gave it.

"I'll conquer the whole ninja world with this power" he thought as he looked at the battle before him. They managed to destroy his Jeti a couple of times. But he always regenerated, becoming even stronger in the process.

Soon they were all trapped in snow prisons including Samui. She was all covered in snow and only her face and her boobs were visible. She looked at him hatefully.

He couldn't help himself and wanted to touch these boobs immediately but something unexpected happened.

A giant white drill now appeared before his face, so he dodged in a hurry

Samui suddenly looked at the new arrival. A white-haired teenager with green eyes and handsome face stood there looking a little angry.

'Damn, one more second and he would've soiled her' he thought fumingly.

"You're a dead meat grandpa" he said then looked at Samui behind him "Don't worry beauty, I'll save you. This will be over in seconds" then he destroyed her snow cage. Her other teammates were already passed out from the cold.

"Who are you kid?" the man exclaimed angrily as well.

"The one who will kill you, creep" Kimimaro didn't waste any more time and attacked him with his bone dragons, wanting to finish this fast. He also summoned a skeleton to deal with the Jeti behind him.

The man looked at three dragons now before him solemnly, he immediately used his strongest technique "Snow Release: Crushing Winter Landscape" he yelled.

This jutsu covers about 1/2 acres of land in freezing snow that plows over anything in the way and then packs hard upon stilling. Once that's done, it becomes almost ice, and freezes over quickly, trapping and crushing anything caught in it.

Samui looked at the giant snow river coming towards already losing hope, but then she heard "Giant Bone Wall" from beside her.

Kimimaro summoned the biggest bone wall he could with his densest bones possible. And as he expected, the giant wall managed to stop the giant snow river.

"Wait for me here beaty, I'll come right back" he said and run towards where the middle-aged pervert was.

Samui looked expressionless at his back as always but was secretly very happy for being saved from this perverted middle-aged man.

In the middle of a huge storm, Kimimaro arrived at the place where the middle-aged man was supposed to be. He looked like he was about to eat some kind of crystal with a crazy expression on his face.

But before he could what he had on his mind, Kimimaro caught him and lifted him in the air with his bone whip.

He connected his whip with his bones managed to take control of them. Then he broke them all at the same time and left the man to die all alone in agony in that huge snow blizzard.

When he got back, Samui already released all her teammates, she said "Thank you for saving me" expressionlessly.

"Not a problem I was just passing by. How could I leave a cute young lady like you be soiled by that fat old pervert" he said righteously.

She smiled a little.

"My name is Kimimaro Kaguya, I'm an A ranked shinobi from the bingo book. Send my regards to your Raikage. I have a feeling that we will meet soon. Also you too, I feel that I will meet you again soon. Until then, goodbye" he said, then jumped and left.

Kimimaro soon left that place and thought about the previous fight. He didn't see that man in the original so either that man existed but didn't decide to show himself or he's the result of his own transmigration.

This also made him more wary of this world, since he didn't know if some strong characters that weren't in the original also show up later.

He also thought about the irony of exiting one freakishly cold place to enter one freakishly hot place. He'll change the snow for sand and now go to one village hidden in the desert- Sunagakure.

After all, for various reasons, he decided to become a Kazekage of that place.