Chapter 23

Water was everywhere around him, something you wouldn't expect from a village hidden in the desert.

This was some kind of a private Kazekage's pool near the Kazekage's residence. It had a very simple layout when he first found it a month ago. But now it was fully decorated in an ancient Greek style with giant pillars, fountains, slides and everything made out from his own bones.

Kimimaro looked at the scorching sun above himself, then looked at Temari who wore a nice green swimsuit, her hair nicely tied behind and had a smile on her face. Suddenly she splashed him with water a little.

He immediately dived into the water and embraced her from behind. "No, stop!" she yelled cutely.

He turned her upside down playfully spanking her a little "But you need to be punished!"

He then returned her to normal, she looked a little out of breath so he brought her to the edge of the pool still embracing her from behind. "You're too mean Kazekage!" she said blushingly.

Later that day Kimimaro was sitting in the courtyard outside the Kazekage's office on some big chair and eating some kind of special fruit from this world and feeding some of it to Temari who was sitting beside him in an embrace.

The whole last month was spent relaxing like this. Gaara also woke up long ago from that sealing process and he calmed down a little now there's no tailed beast sealed inside him. The villagers stopped bullying him that much too.

He even regarded Kimimaro as his older brother. Kimimaro also taught him some sand techniques and gave him a couple of ideas for his sand attacks. But, his relationship with Temari developed the best, she now fully regarded herself as his future wife.

Sadly she was too young now, so they didn't do anything yet. But she'll become quite a beauty in the near future so there's a time for that.

"Soon will be a time for me to go" Kimimaro said to her.

"Please be careful, and I hope you'll be successful in this quest, my Kazekage" Temari said as she sat on his lap and teased him a little touching him on his nose. He realized that she was getting a lot braver recently, probably wanting to seal the deal between them.

He smiled and kissed her on the lips and said "Of course wife, wait for me to come back"


Kimimaro was currently walking through the forest in the Land of Fire running. Behind him there were dozens of Suna shinobi he managed to gather.

Suddenly he stopped and said "You all stop here and wait for the signal. Once it goes up you all will enter the Konoha and start the mission"

"Yes, Kazekage!!" they all yelled in unison.

This was the range where Konoha scouts wouldn't be able to spot them. He continued to go forward alone.

He and Orochimaru will enter the village from the opposite sides personally. Now that Orochimaru had Rinnegan there's no reason for him to make any ambushes.

This half of the village Kimimaro will take, while Orochimaru will take the other side he would enter from later.

Kimimaro was running a little, then later slowed down a little. He was currently calmly walking to the Konoha's gates.

There were a couple of guards stationed there, but he only recognized the faces of two, though not recognizing their names.

"What do you want?" one of them asked looking at the weird looking handsome teenager.

Kimimaro didn't reply, he just came and stood before them. Soon he brought his hands in the air, his fingers facing them.

"Ten Finger Drilling Bullets" he slowly said.

One of the guards he recognized immediately said "Not good, dodge!"

But it already too late, his speed was now ten times enchanted that in the original where he had that illness.

Only his friend managed to dodge it thanks to his warning. They soon grouped and stood near each other, first guy also drawing some kind of a weird weapon.

Kimimimaro looked at them indifferently and said: "Dance of the Clematis - Vine" pulling his own spinal column and now holding it in his hand.

'What is that?' both of them thought.

But didn't much more as the spinal column whip began closing on on them. They just dodged and didn't even get a chance to attack. That whip was just too fast for them.

But while they were fully occupied with the whip, they didn't notice the bone spikes now appearing under them.

"Dance of the Seedling Fern", "It's over for you"

Kimimaro said at the same time as the bone spikes impaled them alive.

One of them was still barely alive and looked at him with his usually only visible eye "W-what do you want from Konoha?" he asked all bloodied up and pale as a ghost.

"None of your business, cannon fodder" Kimimaro replied and went ahead into the Konoha, leaving the man to die a slow painful death in agony all alone.

He entered the Konoha slowly as if he was the king of it. His clothes fluttering in the wind. Konoha residence all looked at him in awe. He even liked that look a little bit, to be honest.

'Wonder what's Orochimaru doing?' he wondered when suddenly a boom resounded on the Hokage's tower.

"So it has begun" he said out loud.

'Who should I deal with first?'

'Might Gai might be the strongest person in this village right now'

'I'll go and see if I can find him. It'll be a good fight'

He continued walking towards the Hokage's tower. Upset civilians scared from the collision all wondered if there's something wrong in his head for walking towards that place willingly.

Soon he got closer and noticed that famous purple barrier from the original. But now, a lot of Konoha shinobi were gathered around it watching the battle.

"Who are you?" one of them noticed him getting the attention of all the other shinobis.

He looked at them and the only familiar people he noticed were Asuma and Kurenai.

Asuma was worried about his father so he remained here to watch the fight, instead of going to watch the village entrances like Hokage ordered him to fearing the more enemies coming and an invasion happening. Kurenai remained to support Asuma.

But Might Gai was still nowhere to be seen.

'Maybe he is guarding the village entrance points, doesn't matter. I'll first deal with these clowns over here' Kimimaro thought.

"As you can see over there. Your Hokage is about to die. This village will be divided between the guy fighting him now, Orochimaru, and myself in the future. Your best option is to join me now, and if you show me enough loyalty, I'll spare you" Kimimaro said seriously looking at the group of cannon fodders.

"But this will be your last chance to do so" he added a little threateningly in the end.

They all looked a little bit wearily at him but looking like they were joking. But Asuma remembered he had seen that face before.

"Kimimaro Kaguya, a former A-rank shinobi from the Bingo Book? A month ago defeated and sealed the One-Tails Shukaku and became the leader of the Sunagakure? Do you want to go to war with us?" Asuma asked solemnly.

Kurenai looked shocked, she didn't expect this young guy to be that strong, to be a Kazekage especially. Other shinobi who looked at him weirdly before also looked very shocked and a little afraid now too.

"It won't be a war. It'll be a one-sided massacre if you don't surrender now" Kimimaro replied.

Asuma now sweated bullets, he needs to make a decision deciding the fate of this whole village in seconds. He looked at his father now battling Orochimaru up there and finally made his decision.

"The Hidden Leaf Village won't fall today!" he yelled, "All of you let's group and deal with him together!"

Kimimaro shook his head a little and looked at him disapprovingly while saying "A really bad decision."

Then he clasped his hands together, and before they could group, a majority of them were already impaled by his bone spikes like those outside the village.

Asuma and Kurenai looked ash-stricken at the sight of the bone spikes and their impaled comrades on them.

"You'll pay for that" they both yelled together while they wanted to attack him, their remaining comrades now being in a formation behind them.

Kimimaro looked at all of them and smiled a little "Giant Bone Drill" he yelled.

Killing a couple of them now as well. While also jumping backward avoiding Kurenai's genjutsu he sensed with his senjutsu.

'The area is too large to cover it fully with bone spikes. If I use my bone dragons It'll take too much time as they'll dodge it at first too. So let's use this instead'

He held his hands in the air and said "Death Predation" soon in his hands appeared some kind of two big grey sticks, then those two sticks dissolved into particles, now those particles floated around.

"What the f-" Asuma didn't manage to finish as particles eclipsed onto him, turning him into nothingness.

"Asuma!!" Kurenai yelled, but soon suffered the same fate, alongside the other shinobi present around at the scene.

It may sound stupid, but he just recently learned that he had his gravitation ability active all the time. He doesn't have to activate the Tenseigan eyes of the Tenseigan Chakra mode in order to use it.

In fact, he always assumed that he controlled his bone dragons, skeletons, tentacles and other living bone beings with his Kekkei Genkai ability fully. But there's no way that's possible.

So, just accidentally recently he learned that he could use his gravitational ability 24 hours a day. In fact, it was quite comically how he learned about it at first.

He was just lying on his sunbed back in Suna relaxing, and he was too lazy to get himself a drink from the nearby table. So in this way, he accidentally realized his ability and got himself a drink.

But enough about that, he went to check the other two Konoha entrance gates and see if he can find Might Gai. He didn't bother with the Hokage and Orochimaru and left them to do their thing.

The first gate he went to was a miss. But at the second village gate, there was a surprise waiting for him there.

A bowl haired man with thick eyebrows looked at him suspiciously.

"I killed Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai Yuhi just now. And I'll try to kill you too, so you better use all your strength or you'll regret it" Kimimaro said with a crazy smile already thirsty for the close combat battle.

'Asuma, Kurenai...' Guy didn't manage to finish his thought as Kimimaro attacked him with his bone already. They soon fought a little bit in taijutsu. Might Guy was on the losing end until he opened his 5th gate.

After that Kimimaro was on the losing side, and just when it looked like Guy might finish him, he just disappeared into a silver flash of light.

'What..?' he thought barely ducking the head kick Kimimaro wanted to give him from behind.

Might Guy immediately opened the 7th Gate, Kimimaro allowing him to do so because he wanted an even better battle.

"That' still not enough," he said while dodging an upcoming attack, but when he dodged it, he saw a single targeted point attack from Guy that appeared in the original - Hiradora. One of his personal favorite attacks in the whole series.

But he just put his arm onto it, distinguishing it immediately.

'Even Hiradora is not enough?' Might Guy looked really shocked now.

'So I must still use that?' he thought again.

"What is your intention in Konoha, boy?" he asked seriously.

"I want to conquer it of course" Kimimaro said while grinning.

"You will not do that!" Guy yelled and began activating his 8th gate of death.

They fought evenly again after he activated it. But as long as it remains like this. Might Guy will exhaust himself faster and die.

Realizing this, he kicked Kimimaro and got some distance. Then he got on all fours like in the original and soon yelled "Night Guy!". A red dragon-like aura appearing behind him too.

Kimimaro looked at it with eyes wide open.

'This will probably finish me off if it connects. It has incredible potential' he thought. Just standing in front of it made him tremble.

'For an ordinary human without Otsutki genes to do that... I truly respect you, Might Guy!'

Might Guy got up and started running towards him in an alien-like speed.

'But time to get serious' Kimmaro thought. First, he slowed him down a little with his strongest gravity attack.

Then he quickly summoned his Kekkei Mora particles, now directly from his body.

"Death Predatation!" He yelled and unleashed them all at the slowed down Guy who now appeared dangerously near him.

Might Guy didn't even realize what happened as he began dissolving into particles.

Kimimaro sighed looking a little exhausted, then went to his normal mode.

'I'll never realize why this guy wasn't the Hokage instead of that useless old fuck Sarutobi' he thought as he went to find Orochimaru to decide the dividing process.


Anko was running towards her village. Just now, she was getting back from a mission when she noticed some people running away from the village. She asked them what's up and that's when she found out. It seems like her old sensei Orochimaru attacked the village and begun fighting against the Hokage.

'Shit, I need to go faster' On one hand she was very mad that her sensei didn't bring her together with him when he defected the village. On the other hand, she was really mad at him for betraying the village.

She was really torn inside ever since then and always wanted to meet and fight her old sensei again. Now she has finally got a chance.

But once she got to the village entrance. She found something extraordinary. Her comrades, former Konoha shinobi were hanging around impaled on some kind of white spikes. Their organs, blood, body parts all spilled over the spikes.

It was quite a gruesome sight to say at least. But she wasn't especially bothered by it, after all, she's a shinobi for God's sake. She also used to torture enemy shinobis in similar ways before.

She was a sadist and even liked a little the way they were handled. But they were her comrades after all and she didn't have time for this and just wanted to move forward.

But after he made a few steps ahead, she noticed that one of them was still alive. He was slowly being impaled on a spike and looked really disgusting, to be honest.

He muttered something along the lines of "Devil" "Demon" "Monster".

She wanted to ask him something more, but it looked like he had gone crazy from the pain. She decided to help him a little and directly cut his head off reliving him from the pain.

Then continuing running into the village, civilians in frenzy were running all over. She speeded towards the Hokage's tower. But once again she found a strange thing.

They were some shinobi lying there impaled as well, and some looked like they were killed by some kind of giant drill. And there was also a lot of weird grey ash lying around there as well.

She soon came in front of the destroyed Hokage's tower. It looked like a real big fight happened here.

Orochimaru suddenly came from inside the ruins, he had a weird new spiraled eyes too.

He said "I was waiting for that guy to come here but it seems he's quite busy himself. Hmm, I wondered who could give him that much trouble in this powerless village?" he looked like in thought with a finger on his chin.

Anko didn't care about any of that as she was fuming with anger "What did you do to the Hokage, Orochimaru?"

"Ohh, that old idiot? I let my snakes eat him, why?" Orochimaru asked pretending to be confused.

"Orochimaru!!!" Anko yelled and attacked him with her snakes, but before her snakes could touch him. He just lifted his hands into the air and soon an invisible force knocked her snakes and herself out in the distance.

"I'm sorry Anko, but I'm kind of on a completely new level right now" Orochimaru said sympathetically, now looking at the Kimimaro's battle direction as well.

"Why, you!!!!" Anko yelled but got pushed by an invisible force. It happened a couple more times and she was already all bloodied up.

She got up again, her face all bloodied up and unrecognizable, but she still had a stubborn look in her greyish pretty eyes.

"Stop it Orochimaru! For how long will you continue to torture this beautiful lady?" All of a sudden Kimimaro entered the scene.

"Hahaha, beautiful lady? Look at her face!" he said.

Kimimaro turned around and surely got a little surprised "Damn... But I'm sure she was quite a stunner until you've beaten her"

Anko looked at the white-haired handsome teenager and his conversation with Orochimaru, not even knowing what to think anymore.

"Who was that guy you fought with just now?" Orochimaru asked curiously.

"Might Guy" Kimimaro replied.

Both Anko and Orochimaru got surprised but for different reasons.

"Never thought that guy had it in him" Orochimaru said surprised.

"So what will we do now? I want half of everything, and regarding shinobi clans. I just want jurisdiction over Hyuuga and Yamanaka clans" Kimimaro said all of a sudden.

"Hmm, Hyuuga? And why Yamanaka?" To be honest Orochimaru wanted Hyuuga clan for himself so he could experiment on them and uncover the secrets of Kimimaro's powers.

"That's none of your business, you can keep the rest of the clans" Kimimaro said.

"Oh, okay. But first, you'll have to take this" Orochimaru suddenly attacked him with a gravitational attack.

Kimimaro paired with his own one. Soon two gravitational attacks collided in the space, even bending it a little bit, creating some kind of vortex.

Anko looked at this spectacular scene, not sure if she was even dreaming anymore.

Soon they called back their attacks.

'I can't even force him to use that mode?' Orochimaru thought. He doubts any Rinnegan abilities will manage to force him to use that mode.

And his personal Rinnegan ability he got when he unlocked it was that he could control his own life force and life and death. He can steal life forces from his opponents directly and add it to his own.

But to do that he needs to bite them. He doubts he could bite Kimimaro now.

That was a perfect ability for his immortality dream but was useless in high-level battles.

"Okay, we will do as you said" Orochimaru said regaining his smile.

"Nice" Kimimaro said. Soon they both activated their flares letting them in the air, signaling their forces to take over this village. As well as their other troops to take over the Land of Fire.

"Well, I'll be going now" Orochimaru said while also looking at Anko one last time.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Anko replied angrily ready to pounce on Orochimaru again.

But after just one step she was suddenly pulled in the air by some unknown force. She soon found herself near Kimimaro.

"We're going too!" Kimimaro said "Why do you want to get beaten so much, are you a masochist?" then he asked.

She blushed a little and said "Let me go!!"

"Not happening, let's go. I know a place that will cheer you up" Kimimaro said as he went ahead carrying her in the air too with his gravitation ability.

Soon they were sitting inside a dango shop. Kimimaro forced the sales lady to open it and make them some dango or he'll kill her. To be honest, he always wanted to try dango too, and now finally got a chance.

He pressed the Anko to sit down with his ability. He started eating it immediately, quite liking it already.

Looking at him eating it, Anko suddenly asked "How did you know that dango is my favorite food?"

"Everyone here knows it, I was a Konoha ninja too in the past after all" Kimimaro replied munching.

Anko looked at him a little, then started eating her portion of serving. After a while, she asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Kimimaro Kaguya, I'm Orochimaru's ex-disciple, ex-ninja from the bingo book. And current 5th Kazekage of the Sunagakure" Kimimaro told her his whole life story, leaving some parts out course.

She looked really shocked now. After a while, she asked quietly "H-how did you get so strong? How did you get even stronger than Orochimaru?"

Kimimaro though about it at first, then looked at her seriously "Well, first I don't have this stupid village holding me back. I don't have anything holding me back in this life, no morals and no imaginary rules of the human society holding me back. I'm free as a bird!"

Anko looked immersed in his speech and thought about this a little. 'He's quite right if you think about it a little'

'So, me remaining in this village was a mistake? I should've just gone to be a missing-nin after Orochimaru left?'

'Now that I think about it. People of this village always bullied me and hated me because I was Orochimaru's disciple before. Even though I was not at fault and didn't know anything about Orochimaru's plans. I was a victim too. And I was just a little girl back then'

"Can I give you a suggestion?" suddenly Kimimaro asked. Anko motioned for him to continue.

"You can join my forces. I have a lot of ways to make you stronger" Kimimaro said.

"But why would you go so far for me?" Anko asked confused.

"Didn't I already say that I know you're beautiful? In fact, when I was a ninja of this village I always liked you from afar. Not just how you look, but your fiery unyielding attitude too. I have seen it first hand now against Orochimaru" Kimimaro said. That wasn't far from the truth.

Anko blushed a little, no one has ever said something like this to her, every male of this village was either afraid or hated her before. So this was something entirely new to her.

She suddenly asked blushing "Did you kill those guards at the gate?"

"Yes, if you've seen those bone spikes, it was me" Kimimaro answered.

"I think I like you too" she suddenly said silently after a while.


Later that day. Kimimaro's Suna and Orochimaru's Oto forces took over this whole village and the Land of the Fire and divided everything in half. They also sent a silent message to other villages. That if someone attacks either one of them, they'll join together.

Kimimaro's and Orochimaru's reputations also exploded into the world. They had the same position as the other three Kages in the heads of common people in the world.

Hyuuga clan agreed to cooperate with Kimimaro with him giving them the same benefits they had in Konoha. They weren't that particularly loyal before, so it was easy to see why they agreed.

But the Yamanaka clan was a different story. They were one of the founding clans of the Konoha. They were a very loyal clan. Every other clan loyal to Konoha from the Orochimaru's side was already exterminated and will be used for experiments by him.

They remained the only ones alive and they didn't know why. They just knew it was something to do with them falling under the jurisdiction of Suna and Kazekage now.

Currently, inside the Yamanaka meeting place, every Yamanaka clan adult member was already present for the meeting. Inoichi was seated at the head of the meeting table.

Inoichi looked like he aged fifty years, every one of his friends was already dead. This was more else true for other Yamanaka clan members as well.

The only reason they all didn't commit suicide until now was they didn't know what could happen to their kids and the younger generation.

"What should we do Inoichi...?" one of them asked.

"We should beg the Kazekage to let the younger generation go" another one said.

"Why did that Kazekage even want us? We're not that particularly famous for being a strong clan"

"Who knows?" another one added.

Suddenly Inoichi woke up from his thoughts and got one really crazy idea "What did you say his name was again?" he asked loudly.

"It was Kimimaro Kaguya, Inoichi" one clansmen replied.

"Kimimaro, Kimimaro, Kimimaro" Inocihi quietly muttered. They all thought he had finally turned crazy from all the things happened today.

"This meeting is finished, I'll take care of everything" he said as he jumped from his seat and left the room.

Ino was waiting in her room scared. She was waiting here while an attack on the village happened. Later her father informed her that he will go to a meeting. She really has no idea what's going on.

Soon she heard footsteps outside the doors. Her father opened hastily, grabbed her by the shoulders and asked "What was the name of that boy you met on that day in the shop?"

She looked at her father's red eyes and pale-faced and seeing that situation was serious replied honestly "K-Kimimaro, father..."

He didn't look too shocked, grabbed her by the hand, then continued to lead her somewhere and didn't say anything.

Soon they came across the temporary residence they heard the Kazekage was currently located. Inoichi looked at the Suna guards now blocking his way and said "I'm Yamanaka clan leader and want to see your Kazekage"

The guard just said "Yes, you can go in. Kazekage has been expecting you"

He entered and soon seen a white-haired teenager standing there.

Ino yelled his name and wanted to go and hug him, but her father stopped her.

Inoichi looked at him and then at his daughter and sighed "I guess, she's the reason you saved us?"

Ino looked surprised, not sure of what's going on.

Then Kimimaro replied while smiling "Yes, how can I let my future wife's family suffer?"

Ino blushed madly at that while Inoichi sighed again and said "Then I take it that her safety is guaranteed? But I would have to ask you to please don't touch the other younger generation members of the Yamanaka clan as well"

Kimimaro's look darkened a little realizing what he wanted to do "It's not that simple, let's talk in private"

Then he looked at warmly Ino and smiled "Please wait here cute one"

She, of course, blushed as him and Inoichi left the room and got outside to be alone.

As soon as they were outside Kimimaro said "To be honest all of the other Yamanaka clan members can go and commit suicide and I don't care. But for you, it's a different story. Ino would be quite sad if you did it. So I need you alive, if you kill yourself, I'll kill every single member of the younger generation of your clan, even babies. So question yourself if you would really like for something like that to happen just for some imaginary things called "loyalty" and "friendship". That's all."

He then left and Inoichi remained in that place shocked and panic-stricken.

He entered and looked at Ino warmly "Were you scared today, honey?"

She immediately jumped and hugged him "Yes I was all alone in that room and didn't know what would happen next..."

He consoled her a little patting her on the hair, then said "Don't worry, something like that won't happen ever again near you. I'll protect you for life, I promise"

"Kimimaro..." she said as she snuggled into his exposed chest and neck even further.

"I love you!" she said all of a sudden.

"I love you too, Ino!"


There was only one more thing left for him to do in this village. He soon entered a prison, guards paid respect saying "Kazekage!" "Lead me inside" he ordered.

Soon he entered one of the prison cells. One blond kid with ugly whisked marks was laying there looking sad.

He entered and the blond exclaimed, "You're that guy from the ramen shop?"

Kimimaro replied "Yes"

"Do you know what happened to the village? And how did the guards allow you to come here?" Blond asked hyperactively.

"This village is now called Konoha no more. It's a divided territory of Sunagakure and Otogakure now. Your Hokage died along with all the other strong shinobi and ninja clans from here"

"As for why they allowed me to come here, it's very simple. I'm their leader, the current Kazekage of the Sunagakure"

Naruto suddenly grabbed his head with his hands and started yelling:

"Noooo!!!! ", "Impooosible!!!", "Impooosible!!!"

"What a retard..." Kimimaro said a little annoyed at how stupid some human beings can be.

"You're going to the sealing right now buddy" he kicked him in the head knocking him unconscious, then picked him up and went to the Akatsuki base.


At the base, all members were already gathered there as he entered.

"You're really something special, Kazekage" masked man, Obito said.

"How do you even find them anymore?" Kakuzu asked seriously.

"We'll go and catch five more of them after this shit is finished Kakuzu!" Hidan yelled.

"No, please no" Kakuzu sighed.

"Tch" Deidara ticked.

"Alright that's enough, let's start. After this is over, you're all allowed to go and catch them too" Pain said.

They began the sealing process. Konan looked across her at the white-haired teenager, then at Pain next to her and thought "I hope everything will be alright, sigh"