Not blood related

Chapter Edited by Kuroe_Chan.


A young man sat on a couch. with his legs crossed. With his startling blue eyes and blonde hair, he emitted a dangerous aura. He look pissed over something, as he constantly ruffled his hair with his palm, frowning his devilishly handsome face.

A knock was heard on the door. "Who is it?" The man asked.

"Aroma," a lady's voice was heard.

"Come in," the young man said.

A tall lady opened the door and went inside. She looked hot and could be easily mistaken as a model with her incredible height and statuesque body. With her smokey makeup, long black hair tied in a ponytail, all black trousers and blouse, and her zip-up high heels, she looked like the epitome of a femme fatale. She walked closer to where the man was sitting, her bum swaying left and right.

"He left?" the man asked.

"Yeah, a few hours ago. What are you going to do Nathan? He always manages to locate the country you're in." The lady said, taking her seat opposite Nathan.

"He never gives up since young. Prepare my return to the country with everyone," he ordered. "Let's see how he finds me right under his nose" Nathan smirked.

"What if you accidentally run into him?" Aroma asked.

"Don't worry, he wouldn't think I would return to the country. Let him have fun trying to find me outside the country while I catch my breath for a while. I'm getting tired of this game of hide and seek."

"Ok boss!" Aroma stood up and left.


"Mom, aren't you being too much? How can you not eat the food when it was specially prepared for  you?" Thomas asked exasperatedly.

"Shut up! Why aren't you letting her eat with you guys? Are you casting her aside?" Grandma asked.

"She and Rihanna behave like day and night. They never want to see each other. You don't expect me to send my daughter away for her, or do you?" Thomas asked.

"You! She's not your daughter? Then why did you even pick her up in the first place if you can't accept her as yours?" Grandma said, glaring at him.

"We wanted to, but it's hard mom. Ever since we picked her up, everything is just weird. I don't even know who she is! We were given such a huge amount of money to leave town with her. But after leaving, I still feel like we are being monitored.

Each time I had some issues at my workplace and was expecting a sack letter or something similar, I ended up getting a promotion the following week.

It's like we are raising her on someone's behalf. Do you know how scared I get whenever she had a seizure? If the people she belongs to could do tricks and made everything easy for us, they could also make things equally awful.

What do you think will happen if she mistakenly gets hurt? She's like a time bomb, the more they help us on her behalf, the more I get worried., Plus, it proves one thing: she is not  my daughter and her parents could claim her anytime. And you still want me to take her side and not my real daughter's?" Thomas said, his eyes getting red.

His wife delivered her baby a week after they picked Diana off that isolated street.

Before they settled at their home after leaving the hospital, someone came to find them and gave them a huge sum of money and asked them to leave town as soon as possible with Diana, and to never let her return to the town.

They took the money and left as instructed, leaving grandma alone in town, as she claims she wanted to stay and promise to visit them once in a while.

They started raising the two girls as a twin, but still noticed they are being monitored. They never lacked anything, which made Thomas and Rachael feel uncomfortable. They wanted Diana as their child, but those people who took care of their problems, making their life easy, made them feel like Diana is not theirs and will never ever be.

"Why didn't you reject the money then?" Grandma asked. She's not buying his explanations at all.

Thomas scoffed, "Reject? Why should I?, I'm a caretaker getting paid for my service," he said.

"If that's the case, then you two should do your job well and stop treating her like an outsider," grandma said and stood up. "I will be leaving tonight. You can leave now, I want to rest," she added and walked towards her assigned room, leaving Thomas, who was still deep in his thoughts alone. 

Thomas stood up and opened the door to leave and saw Rihanna standing outside the door. "Rihanna?" He called out, looking shocked.

"Diana is not blood related?" Rihanna asked with her eyes wide open She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"She is your twin sister, what are you doing here?" Thomas asked with a straight face.

"Dad!" Rihanna said, looking into her father's eyes. "Is she gonna bring trouble for us?" She added.

"Shut up! I told you she's your sister. Now, tell me why you're here?" Thomas, said looking pissed. He couldn't believe their mistake for having such conversation at home.

Rihanna's chest was heaving up and down. She stared at her father for a while before taking a deep breath and returned to her normal self., "Mom said I should help grandma prepare her things," she said.

"She's not leaving now. She will be taking the night train, she wanted to rest before leaving." Thomas said.

Rihanna turned to leave and heard Thomas call out her name, "Rihanna!" 

She looked back at her father, "You called me?" she said with an annoyed expression. 

She can't believe she is not blood related to Diana, and had to endure the mocking from her friends when they talked about her twin sister.

"What you heard today, don't tell anyone about it." Thomas said and waited for a reaction from Rihanna to be assured that she isn't gonna tell anyone.

"...I will think about it." Rihanna said and left.

Thomas stared at her departing figure in disbelief, but still chose to believe that she's old enough to understand what should be and shouldn't be said.

One thing is sure though, he just made a huge mistake.


Inside Diana's room, Rachael was fuming with rage as she talked with Diana.

"Why are you making things hard Diana? Do you think you're a little girl? The last time she was here, you started making a fuss about wanting to leave this house and live separately, making her nag at me all throughout the day, and now you made her not eat my food.

"What's your problem?" Rachael said.

"My problem is simple, you're favouring one child over another. I will stop causing trouble for you with grandma. If you start treating Rihanna and I equally." Diana said and started surfing the net, for the clothes she's gonna wear for her date the next day.

Rachael stared at her for a while and went out of her room.

"Yeah, I sight you cutie. You're gonna make me look hot for tomorrow. Let's get you here and prepare to blow Jeffery's mind tomorrow." Diana said, and make an order for the dress.

It's an off-shoulder white top and a boyfriend Jean trouser. It's a pity she will have to find a matching sweater with the outfit, if she didn't want to disgrace herself in front of Jeffery's friends and their girlfriends. They will be having their date at a club, and she was told everyone is coming with their girlfriends. They were all eager to meet her, as they couldn't believe Jeffery got himself a girlfriend.

He is known to be by himself and doesn't like dating. He's pretty shy and always fears what the reply of the other party may be, so he always minds himself and has never approached any woman before Diana.

There was no way there wouldn't be an A.C. at the club. It would be so embarrassing if her body absorbed too much of the cold and brought out a seizure in her in the presence of his friends.