Truth hurts

Everyone broke out of their stupor after Ethan asked the question, even the old man couldn't believe Diana could be so straightforward with Ethan.

"Oh! My bad, come and eat honey." Diana replied, looking at him again.

"Come with me, let's talk." Ethan said.

"I'm eating, we will talk after I'm done." Diana said.

"Mom, what's going on?" Ethan asked.

"Come and eat first, we can talk after." Mel said, gesturing for Ethan to come and sit down.

Ethan sat down beside his father, which is opposite Diana, he couldn't take his eyes off her for a minute, he would look up at her after taking two spoonfuls of his food.

Diana buried her gaze in her food, she could feel his gaze on her. She kept stuffing herself with food, her heart beating fast, 'if only these people aren't nice to her, if only this dude didn't possess such outrageous look' she wouldn't be chickening out like this.

She felt like an idiot for being so outspoken, 'How can I call him boyfriend and honey' she had said that because she knew she had to say something at least, but couldn't think of anything.

"Diana, eat slowly, you will hurt yourself." Mel said.

'Tell him to stop looking at me' Diana cried inwardly, but let out an awkward smile.

Immediately Diana dropped her spoon, Ethan also dropped his, "come with me." he said heading out of the dinning.

Diana slowly stood up and followed him, immediately they left, "the girl is interesting." Tony said.

"Actually dad, I had no idea how this girl is going to make Ethan reduce his constant traveling, they weren't even in love. I wonder if Ethan would choose to stay because of her." Tony added.

Grandpa stare at Tony for a while, as he found him weird. He was against Diana a while ago, and now he seems pleased with her, "let's leave the kids to their stuff" grandpa said, and again was taken aback by Tony's response, he nodded in agreement.


"Why are you here?" Ethan asked, holding Diana's  hand and pinning her against the wall.

Diana angry mode got activated immediately, "I can't be here?" She asked, looking at his face, which is so close to hers.

"Also, why are you holding my hand, you cleaned your hands earlier, I wonder if you're gonna stick it into a washing machine this time around." she added.

She has never been this close to a guy, but Ethan glaring at her instead of apologising, could not make her think about their closeness right now.

Ethan stared at her for a while before releasing her hand, he could see the anger in her eyes.

"What's going on?" He asked with a soft tone.

"Your grandfather is the one who sent those guys after me, he said he would like me to be his daughter inlaw, I was against it at first, then he showed his grandson picture and I recognize the bastard who handed me over to those strangers, I knew I wouldn't be okay now, if it wasn't grandpa who sent them, so I agreed to be his daughter inlaw, it's as simple as that," Diana said.

Ethan was in a daze for a while, the fresh breath of Diana's mouth is so pleasing to inhale despite her teeth hue, he blinked and swallowed hard. 

He stepped back from her a little bit, "You want to be my woman because of what I did?" He asked.

"Yup" Diana replied as a matter of factly.

"Actually, it's a misunderstanding, I didn't know those guys were after you for real, I thought you planned it," Ethan said.

"Why would I planned such?, so that you will rescue me and I will be like 'Oh! my dear rescuer, I want to repay you with my body' is that it? You think because you're so breathtaking, I will go to such extent to get you? Dream on." Diana replied, glaring at him.

"Of course you wouldn't, your face wouldn't let you attempt such." Ethan said and chuckled, "I really fucked up, I shouldn't have misunderstood you".

"You!" Diana glare at him, "you're still mocking me, aren't you supposed to apologise?".

"Will you change your mind if I had apologised?" Ethan asked.

"What!" Diana couldn't believe her ears.

"You heard me, I want to see how you plan on getting your revenge" Ethan replied raising his brow at her.

"Fine! You will regret daring me today Ethan, I will surely make you regret it" she said, burning with rage, "Also remember this, you delivered me to your grandpa yourself, I'm going to stick with you like gum, and make everyone around you realise your bad taste in woman" she said and returned to bid farewell to his family.

Ethan watch her leave and scoff, "she's cute" he said and walk after her.

Getting to the dining, she couldn't find anyone there, she saw some maids clearing the table and Maris monitoring them.

She cleared her throat, "Hmm hmm, Maris?" She called.

Maris look up and walk toward her, after dismissing the maids "are you okay?" She asked, seeing Diana red irises, she looked really pissed.

"I'm fine, that dude is very rude, he lacks manners, all he has is good look, just because he is created so perfectly, he thinks he could look down on me, he thinks he could bully me" Diana kept ranting on and on.

Maris has tried to make her realised that Ethan is behind her, but Ethan gesture to her, to let her go on with her rants, while he folded his arms and kept enjoying her drama.

Diana let out a deep sigh after pouring her heart out, "thanks for listening " She said to Maris who let out a soft smile, "You're welcome" Maris replied.

"Excuse me" Maris said and turned to leave, "Please wait!" Diana said and move closer to her, "I want to start going, where is grandpa and Mrs Mel, I have to bid farewell to them right?"  She asked with uncertainty.

"It's late, tell the maids to prepare the room next to mine for her" Ethan voice was heard.

Maris nodded with a smile and left, Diana stood frozen on the same spot.

Ethan walked toward her and stood in front of her, "You know, I was wondering what type of woman would admire a man's arm, when she's in danger," Ethan said.

Diana looked up at him, "A room next to yours? Are you kidding me?" She asked.

"What? You don't want revenge anymore? I'm giving you a chance, I will leave the door open, you can come in anytime you want." Ethan said with a smirk, he's liking her expression when she's being teased.

Her blue eyes are beautiful, if one could look over her teeth and face, she's not bad as a woman, he's not interested in a woman, but it's rare to see a woman challenge him like this, most of them are always pretending to be what they're not, just to please him.

He's curious on what Diana is capable of.

"I will pretend I didn't hear that." Diana said with a straight face, " If you're curious about how I plan on getting back at you, then wait till another day, a bastard like you just broke up with me today, all in the name of ugly" she added, laughing with a pained expression.

"You're not ugly, your face isn't pleasing to the eyes, that's all" Ethan replied.

The truth does hurt sometimes, even though Diana knew he's right, she still felt hurt by his words.

Without saying anything, she turned around and left to find the living room herself.

"A break up? Interesting " Ethan said and headed to his room, he didn't need to persuade her to stay anymore, as he knew his family will never let her leave by this time.

Just as Ethan thought, Mel managed to persuade Diana to stay for the night, she promised to make one of their drivers drop her at her place of work when the day breaks.

After having small chats with grandpa and Mel, she felt a little bit better, she found herself laying on a bed, inside a guest room.

Thinking about how sweet everyone in the house were to her, her mind drifted to her family, she picked up her phone and checked, "Why can't any of you call to check on me?" She said, and sighed.

She recalled how her mother always disturb Rihanna's phone with calling, if she goes out on a date and return late.

She checked the time, it's 2 o'clock, "I said I will be late, I didn't say I wouldn't return" she muttered to herself.

Even though she's strong, there are times she felt like they are being unfair to her, after checking her phone over and over, she finally drifted into the dream land.


Two women were seen sitting opposite each other.

"You kissed her hair" Maris said to Mel.

"I couldn't miss the opportunity, I've always wish to do so each time her growing up photos got delivered to me" Mel said smiling.