You Are Not Her

Realising that he just shouted, "grandpa really adores her so, unless you want him to pick on your restaurant; you shouldn't overstep your boundaries with her" Ethan said, trying to cover up for his outburst. 

'Fuck!' He cursed inside.

Chris widened his eyes. "what! your grandpa?" He asked.

"Yes, so let her be" Ethan said and stood up, "I gotta go" he added, picking up his mobile phone and car key from the table.

"What if I'm not kidding and really like her?" Chris asked, he would be a fool to not realize something seems off with Ethan. He knew that he shouldn't toy with Diana; since grandpa is involved but wouldn't let Ethan off the hook so easily.

"Let her be" Ethan replied.

"Why should I let her be when i don't plan on toying with her? You said you don't like her; wouldn't it be a waste if a girl that was able to sit on your leg without you choking her, go to waste" Chris said.

"Your point?" Ethan asked.

"My point is, she must be different from the others and I don't mind dating someone like that" Chris said with a straight face but was mocking Ethan expression in his head, 'look at the person who said he didn't like her' he thought.

"You want me to admit that I like her right?" Ethan asked, realising he's taking it too personal when it's possible that Chris is just kidding.

"I want to know the truth" Chris replied.

Ethan let out a deep sigh, "fine! I don't like her like you're thinking but i plan to; just not now, so stay away from her" He said and left. 

Chris smiled in satisfaction after Ethan left.

Getting outside the restaurant. Ethan looked around hoping to see Diana, but she had left. He realized that he didn't have her number, they never exchanged contact information. 

He left after assuring himself that they will be seeing each other the next day; he believed Diana will come find him for her cute revenge again.


At Diana's home. She was inside her room, hiding under her quilt. She couldn't believe what happened to her, the previous guys who made fun of her aren't as handsome as Chris, not to talk of Ethan's outrageous look, his eye lashes are longer than her own, although she is a woman.

"What's going on? Why is everything changing all of a sudden? That hot guy just tried to hit on me? Am I dreaming?" Diana kept bombarding herself with questions. She couldn't sleep till the next day and finally force herself to snap out of it after looking at herself in the mirror and saw how horrible she looks.


"Sir! Sir!" Hanna called twice but Ethan was deep in thought, or should I say his eyes are glued at the entrance of his office.

Hanna had no idea what was wrong with him, he has been behaving weird since he reported to work in the morning, at first it looks like he's expecting someone; as he informed her to clear his schedule for the day.

 He got weirder as time passes; she wanted to ask what is going on with him so badly but couldn't dare after she witnessed the other side of him at the hospital.

He had told her not to smile to his face, call his name, ask him questions not work related, look at him too much, and many other warnings, if she still wishes to keep her job.

She has been careful around him since then, her job is the only way she could be near him; and she wouldn't want to lose him with her carelessness after her many years of waiting.

"Sir! you need to sign this before you leave" Hanna said after Ethan snapped out of his daze. He has informed her that he would be leaving the next day; so she prepared his signature mandatory documents for him to sign. Then she will take care of the rest. 

"Put it down and leave" Ethan said.

Hanna bow her head and walked out gently; she need time for Ethan to forgive her. 

Ethan checked the time and realize he should be off work now if not for the work he had to complete before traveling tomorrow.

"Is she not coming?" He asked in his head, if he didn't see Diana today, they wouldn't see each other till he returns; course his flight is tomorrow.

He tried to wait a bit more and go through the documents but he couldn't concentrate, his mind is somewhere else. 

He couldn't stand it any longer and stood up, he dialled his grandpa number as he left his office, "grandpa, can you have someone forward Diana's address to me?" He said as the call connected.

With a smile on the old man's face, "sure" he said. He had wondered why Diana hasn't contacted him for Ethan's location today, but he didn't want to force her, who knows his grandson is going to seek her out himself. 


Getting to Diana's place he parked his car a bit far from her place and stroll toward the house address sent to him, it will be weird driving up and down while looking for her place.

"Your twin sister is still sleeping by this time? I wonder how you manage to cope with looking at her just awaken face" a friend of Rihanna said to her.

"It must be horrible" another added.

Rihanna frowned her face. Her two friends always make Diana appearance their goodbye topic after walking her home after their outing, mostly before they separated after meeting each other.

"She's not my family okay? That trash was picked up on the street!" Rihanna growl in annoyance; she couldn't take it anymore, she had to watch what she says among her friends because of the fear of being mocked because of Diana; still, she still couldn't avoid it. 

She felt her heart ease after saying it.

Ethan who has been listening to them raised his brow, he had wanted to ask for directions from them before he had this feeling that they were talking about Diana and decided to know more before leaving. 

He looked at the three of them and couldn't find anything attractive to admire; yet they are wasting their time mocking someone that is sleeping peacefully inside her room. 

"That rat is not your family?" One of Rihanna's friends asked.

Rihanna sigh, "yeah, she's not; so stop calling her my twin sister, she was just picked up by my parents" she said and noticed her friends looking behind her, like they are looking at something delicious; that they can't wait to have a taste of.

"What….." She couldn't finish her sentence as she saw Ethan, he was staring at his phone and looking like he's looking for something.

"What the fuck!" she cursed inwardly, "how can someone look this handsome?".

Ethan walked closer to them; and saw then adjusting their clothes and turking their hair behind their ears, blinking shyly and smiling.

"Fools" he said in his head and walk past them, while they traces his movement with their eyes, not moving an inch.

One of them broke out of her stupor and tapped Rihanna's shoulder, "he' heading toward your house" she said still grazing at Ethan's long sexy leg as it moves and wished he could walk into her life with those sexy movements.

"You guys can leave, we have a visitor" Rihanna said and rush after Ethan who has just entered their house after talking with their security man. 

"That selfish bitch!" her friends cried inwardly, glaring at her back as she left.

"Diana, I'm inside your compound" Ethan said as his cell got connected to Diana's. 

He has requested for her number from his grandpa as well. 

"You're kidding right?" Diana hoarse voice was heard on Ethan cell phone. 

Ethan smiled, "I'm not, so come out you sleepy head" he said and felt the movement of a window opening from the house; he looks toward the direction and saw Diana, who was looking at him with her eyes wide opened.

Despite her ruffled hair and unpleasant appearance, she didn't bother to close the window and smoothen herself like other girls would, instead "you are really here?" She asked loudly, while Ethan shook his head and sighed. "I'm coming" she added and ended the call, making her way out of the house.

"They are right, she really look horrible" Ethan said in his head with a smile on his face.

Rihanna walked in front of Ethan and smile, "hi! I'm Rihanna" she said extending her hand for a handshake.

Ethan stared at her hand and look toward the entrance Diana just stepped out from, "I don't like physical contact" Ethan said, which made Rihanna's smile deepened; as she understands why a devilish handsome like him say something like that, it makes him more hot to her.

"Hey!" Diana said as she walked closer.

Rihanna look at her and made a disgusted face, "what the heck!" She cursed inwardly at Diana's appearance and wonder if Ethan will decide to leave because of the sight.

"What are you doing by app….." Her sentence got stuck in her throat as Ethan walked closer and wrapped his arms around Diana's waist.

Diana was about to push him away when Rihanna glared at her before looking at Ethan with a confused expression. "You said you don't like physical contact, but you held her," she said.

Ethan sneer at her shamelessness, "you're not her," he said.