
"Wait!" Diana exclaimed, it's like she just thought of something.

Nathan, who had suddenly return to his former self, raised his brow at her questioningly.

"Did you just said someone got Ethan?" She asked. "As in the same Ethan?" She added, looking confused. Even though she kept her cool, her face looked drained of energy already, she can't wait to be alone and express herself freely, all this is too much to take, and now the 4 words, 'damn! they got Ethan' spoken by Nathan a while ago just to spread in her brain, she just registered the content and evaluated the meaning.

"Yes." Nathan replied.

"Oh my god!" Diana exclaimed, "is he going to be alright?" She asked.

"Depends." Nathan replied.

"Depends on what?" Diana asked, her mind restless, the old man fear just came to pass, his worries, the reason he asked for her help, 'how could this be?' she asked in her head.

"If we get there on time, and still find him breathing." He replied to her.

"What!" Diana exclaimed. "how can you look so calm about this, aren't you being too heartless, he is your god damn! brother!" She added looking enraged.

Nathan scoffed, "human; the minute you uttered the statement 'I'm willing' you lost the right to address me with disrespect." He replied calmly, but Diana felt fear from the weight his words carries.

She wanted to retort, but find his expression not so friendly to speak casually with him, before she realised what was happening, "I'm sorry." She apologised. 

Nathan smirk, "good." he said, relaxing his imposing aura. He stood up and made his way outside.

"I want to go too, I want to help save him." Diana said. 

Nathan chuckled at her word, "this seems like a child play to you?" He asked.

"I want to help." Diana replied, but somehow, she finds herself minding her tone with him.

Nathan noticed her change in attitude and felt like he just discover a gem. "If you could shapeshift into one of my favorite guns, I won't mind taking you along." He replied.

The sound of a helicopter could be heard above before Diana could react to how he just ridiculed her. 

"Ready to leave in ten minutes." Nathan said and head out of the room. "Wait!" Diana exclaimed and run after him.

Nathan stopped in his tracks and look back at her, "any problem?" he asked.

"My grandma, what about her?" She asked.

"Don't worry about that, two of my boys will get her to your foster parents undetected, she knew the danger; so she will do well to hide herself from the open." Nathan said and left, after reminding her that she only has 7 minutes left to meet them on the rooftop.

Diana felt her heart squeezed, she felt bad and worried. Those people only helped, now they have to be careful and watch their backs. She felt enraged, her will to fight strengthening, she want to end Shane with her hands. She wants to bring freedom to her mom and not make her foster parents get hurt because of her.


"Who did this!" Shane growled, as he saw his boys on the floor, their entire body whitish in colour, with greenish veins almost all over. 

He called to get feedback on the interrogation on the old woman, and noticed something off; as his calls didn't go through. He sent someone to find out what happened and got told to come and see what they saw.

He relaxed his nerves immediately he thought of something, he moved closer to one of the corpses, and just as he thought, there is a tiny black hole on the body, which fits for a needle. It should be undetectable, but since it's where the virus got spread into the body, there is an exception to the spot. He moved to another and saw the saw tiny dark hole on his forehead.

One of his best men noticed what he's checking and get who attacked immediately.

"Sir, the girl sat on their boss's leg yesterday." One of the men that tailed Diana the previous day said.

"Why didn't you tell me that?" Shane asked. They only informed him that she stopped at Nathan and his men's resident, they didn't give detail about what she did, as they find reporting about such intimacy irrelevant. 'He dared meddle in my business?' Shane asked in his head.

But this time, he couldn't recklessly unleash his men to fight a war with Nathan. He knew about the former boss and was aware of their strength, which is something he has tried adapting into his organization. They are skilled, yes, but there is more than just fighting to Nathan's side, which is this dreadful one flick skill.

He couldn't find the root of it, mainly because it was only taught to the ruling boss and known by the one who taught it. The legacy to the skill remained a mystery to him.


"Stella," a familiar voice of Alex rang in Stella's ears. She was attending to a customer as usual and Alex has been staring at her for a while, he saw the still beautiful woman who reside in his heart and soul. He should be happy she's smiling but he felt hurt, 'was she happy after marrying that man? Did she find happiness with him and regretted her being with him in the past?' Alex head was flooding with different questions. But that's not the main reason why he's here, if Stella wish to love another man, then he should be happy for her, if he really loves her, he should let her be happy.

He wants his child, that's why he's here, Stella life is up to her, but their child's life involved both of them.

Stella smile froze immediately, her heartbeat increases as she turned around and came face to face with the love of her life, the father of her child. She stared at his weak appearance and felt her heart squeezed, he looks so weak, thin and pale, yet his good look didn't fade, those ocean blue eyes still carries the glow that always send a spark to her heart when she stares into them.