Our Good Deeds

Ethan finally arrived at the country and went to find Chris who has already planned a group of men whom he went back to his family to beg for, as he didn't want to get Ethan's families worried.

He was stunned to hear from him, as he looked miserable within the short while he has been trying his possible best to hack into one of Nathan's corporation servers to inform him about it to no avail. Despite his skills; he just couldn't get through.

That's when he resolved to going back to his family, who laid down conditions for him, if he wants to get access to his family's men, as they aren't happy with the fact that he took a different road.

"F*ck! I was scared for you, what happened? Are you okay?" Chris bombard Ethan with questions immediately he picked the call.

"I'm fine, and I found him." Ethan said.

There was a short silence on the other end, before Chris spoke up, "how was he?" he asked.

"He's fine."
