"What's that about?"

"Oh god! Oh no! No way! Aahhhhh!" Diana exclaimed and pulled hard at her hair. 'Can you sleep with me?' 'Why don't you just do it?' those silly questions she asked Nathan the previous night kept popping up in her head, it's like she just realized the meaning behind it now. 

Aroma was nowhere to be seen when she woke up. She slowly stood up from the floor, feeling ashamed of herself, "Diana seriously? are you crazy? how can you say that?" she kept bombarding herself with questions as she walked out of the boxing hall.

"Tsk! I should have just did it if I knew a nice show as this is gonna be available the next day." Diana heard Nathan voice and froze for a sec, "oh god!" she exclaimed.

She turn toward the direction of the voice and saw Nathan breathtaking face, putting on black training pant with a black clothing gloves in his hands that was crossing above his chest, his upper body bare to the eyes.