Her Plan

Getting inside the room. All her mates were already asleep; fear gripped her heart as the thought of what she was asked to carry out surface in her mind. She knew she could get close enough to inject the girls with the needle. After checking it, she finds them as the same size as the ones Aroma gave her for her cold.

She knew she didn't even feel anything when it got poked into her skin, it's so tiny that she finds it outrageous on how the effect got into it. They treated her so well that she could get close and get the deed done and..

'What were you thinking Diana?' She asked in her head as those thoughts crossed her mind. These people treated her well, she's not confident to do them harm just to escape death from that man.

She cried silently, as she sat on her bed with the needle case and remote in her hand. The person managed to get his hand on this important object, 'could he be an instructor?' She thought.