She's mine now!

A few hours later that seem like eternity; Diana finally arrived at the camp. 

Some trainees have arrived before her, as they were well knowledged on the area than her.

They were supposed to meet with the instructor the next day, as it's the middle of the night already, but Diana was told that Tara wanted to see her.

She ended up waiting for a few more hours before Tara finally showed up. "Walk with me." She sat. Diana stood up from where she sat and followed after her, as she was already walking in front.

After meeting up with her, Tara extended her hand and pass an orange card to Diana, which she took with a confused expression. "That's my reward, you did well for a newbie. I'm really proud of you and your skills. you're full of potential and I like that.

I could tell the story you told the guys is real, and those needles are from Aroma right?" She asked.

"Yes." Diana replied.