I'm getting there!

Nathan raised his brow as Diana charge at him with an enraged expression. She began throwing punches at him and trying to get closer.

Nathan found himself laughing out loud as he evade her attacks, yet Diana didn't give up. Aroma kept shaking her head, while the audience remained silent and kept looking at the scene in disbelieving.

Seeing her not giving up and charging at him non stop; Nathan reach out his hand and get a hold of her forehead, applying pressure on both sides of her temple to make her stop.

Diana felt her vision go blurry instantly. A headache assaulted her, making her feel weak. She reached her hands up to pull Nathan's hand away, but it didn't budge.

She dipped her fingernail into his hand, making blood sip from it, yet Nathan held her still, chuckling at her stupidity. If it were one of the seniors, she would have been knocked out by now.