How she learn to control her mouth

Tapping on the keyboard and staring intensely at the monitor; Diana heard the system instructor spoke. "Quick guys! Finish up and let's work on how to forge a passport. Those of you who weren't here the last time I treat it should hurry…"

The instructor was still talking when, "isn't that illegal?" Diana spoke.

'F*ck!' She cursed in her head as she had meant to say that in her mind. She shut her eyes as the instructor footsteps got nearly to where she sat.

She held her breath and couldn't bring herself to type anything. "TUD is it?" The lady asked, placing her hand on Diana's shoulder.

Without opening her eyes, Diana bit down on her lower lip and nodded her head. "You and I have some things to catch up on." She said, run her hand through Diana's hair dotingly and turned away. 

She resumed with what she was saying after. Diana sighed deeply. She thought she had gotten in trouble and couldn't believe she didn't.