Do you just wished to sleep with me?

Feeling hot from the mixture of the needle effect and and Ethan's warm embrace; Diana adjusted herself in his arms. "I'm fine now." she said, slowly pulling away from him.

Ethan felt bad to even stare into her eyes. He dreaded the thought that his mistake could have cost her life. What if he hadn't sent the woman to check up on her.

Diana slowly turned around. The first thing that caught her attention was his upper body. She gulped and nearly reach her hand to touch before returning to her senses.

"You're hot!" she said.

Ethan was stunned by her words, but didn't feel amused. He picked up his top and put it on. Diana felt bad but didn't say anything and looked up into his bloodshot eyes and sighed.

"It's nothing. I'm used to it." She said.

"What's going on exactly?" He asked as he fully released her from his embrace, moved in front of her and await her response.