Date go wrong

Warning: Slightly Mature. Read with caution

Ethan laughed out loud. Looking up at the moon that was the only source of light upon them. 

He looked down and leaned down to her left ear, "be careful what you wish for honey." He said and raised his head up again. "I sucked at discerning jokes apart." he added.

Diana who was still finding her voice after feeling his hot breath in her ear area gulped, "I-I'm not joking." she said.

"Aren't you being so naughty? Shouldn't girls have those thoughts in their head?" Ethan teased.

"You made me like this. I never thought I would be like this with any man. Never thought I would badly want a man's touch as I wanted yours…" Diana word got caught up in her throat as she got turned around in a flash and Ethan's lips met hers.