Take the lead (R18)

Warning: Sex scene.

After returning back from one of their solo missions; Nathan and Aroma were in his room as usual.

They both grinned as they stared at the laptop which money is being wired in. They both hit their knuckles against each other immediately the transaction was completed.

"A success." Aroma said.

Nathan smirked in response. He looked at Aroma again and saw the sudden change in her expression. "You're still worried? Tsk! if you're not 3 years older than her; I might suggest you adopt her." Nathan said, shaking his head.

"It's almost 2 month." Aroma didn't tried to hide her worries this time.

"I just got a report last week. She contacted the base and request for armories. She's smart from the start and you taught her well. Her confidence and stronghead is another thing. She will be fine." Nathan said, making Aroma look at him in surprise.