A strange extremely beautiful girl appear

It's the 1st of May; which is a public holiday for workers and two weeks to Diana's birthday, which she didn't care about anyway, as she didn't celebrate the fake ones she shared with Rihanna and didn't plan to celebrate the real one now.

There's no one who cares about that and she didn't care as well. She just knew that she will be 26 in the next two weeks.

Diana was seen in her room. A Black backpack in front of her. 

She switched off her laptop and insert it inside, brought out 2 black pistol, loaded it and pushed it in as well.

She looked at the passport on the table with a grim expression. She has booked her flight to Sheffield, to go inside the devil's lair and visit her parents. 

She's tired of waiting for her target to come for her. Her acting in the office is starting to irritate her, even though it's for a reason.