Diana, then Emily, now Elizabeth?

After stopping at a pharmacy and got his wounds treated; they headed to a mall.

Diana was stunned when Ethan selected a long body hug violet gown, with a cut at the left path, up to her below bum line.

Getting out of the dresser; Diana was astonished by his choice. The gown was hot on her and revealing her alluring sexy leg, almost up to her hips. 

She liked it but wondered why Ethan, who was all against showing too much skin will choose it. "Beautiful!" Ethan exclaimed and walked towards her, with a mischievous smile on his face.

The attendee smiled, as Ethan wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead, "go get your hair done, while I changed. We only have an hour left." he said, and Diana nodded.

She followed the attendee to the beauty section. She was surprised when the lady was choosing hairstyle for her. 

"The bangs must remained there. What you do with the others is up to you….."