They came to rescue Stella

Diana quickly buckled her seat belt. Ethan drove like he was possessed. His gaze sharp and scary. 

Diana looked at his side view and couldn't believe she finally dragged him into her mess.

'How did he even managed to get here? Did he have super powers now?' A lot of questions passes through Diana's head, while she watched Shane's men through the rear view mirror, running after their car on foot while shooting nonstop.

"We lost them." Diana said, after a while of crazy driving.

Ethan face turned sideways and caught site of the blood on the seat and her body. His eyelashes fluttered nonstop, while his eyes went bloodshot.

Diana went silent. Her breathing slowing down. She has lost too much blood and feeling very dizzy. The only thing that's keeping her conscious right now is Ethan.

She needs to hold onto her conscious till they got far away from this place. She realized her man was crying after she heard him sniffed his nose.