Stella where are you?

I turned towards her. "Stella?" I called.

She didn't even flinch. She remained the same, not even blinking her eyes.

Ok, now I'm scared. This seems more serious than the report I got.

{Stella's POV}

Alex! that's Alex's voice. 

I was trapped. Everywhere was dark. Diana was right in front of me, covered in her own blood.

Shane killed her. He's in front of me right now. He's laughing at me. 'Didn't I told you I'm going to kill her and make you watch?' 

Yes! he promised and did it. My baby is gone. The light went on after I heard Alex's voice. I've been hearing unknown voices.

Finally! A voice I knew. "Alex!" I screamed.

Shane laughed hysterically. "Alex? look around love. It's just me, you and this dead bastard here.

Here in this place, there's no escape. Get over her death and let's resume our lives. There's no threat anymore. Nothing linked you to that bastard any longer

You're mine now, only mine!" Shane screamed.