I should try first

Alex explained that it was after she went after the person that tried to assassinate him. He said she didn't return and sent his guards to inform that she left.

"I think her condition is related to your daughter." The dude said flatly.

"What are you trying to say?" Alex asked.

"Think of it. You said your daughter met up with her an hour before meeting with you. Your guard claimed she asked them to confirm the person behind your attempt assassination with you, which means she also knew who it was.

Which was Shane, correct?" He asked and Alex nodded, his heartbeat quickening. Everything is falling into place in his head as well.

"She killed the guy and didn't bother to come check on you before leaving. You said she went to train on how to defend herself. If I were her; I will go after the person who sent someone after my father. I will want him dead.