You're not dirty

Alex slowly rose up and Stella hand slowly moved away from his hair.

The situation was a bit awkward. Stella didn't know how she ended up with him, while Alex didn't know where to start his apology.

Alex got into a sitting position and looked into her eyes, while she still remained laying down, staring back at him.

Her expression remained the same, but tears were streaming down both sides of her eyes. "She's alive." Alex spoke, and Stella nodded.

"Are you okay?" he asked again, and she nodded.

Alex shut his eyes and opened it again. He's reluctant to touch, but couldn't help it anymore. He reached out his hand to her forehead and caress her hair.

Stella's heart leaped at his action. She wondered if he's doing that to make her believe him. She already did, and he didn't have to go this far.

Her heart is racing too much and she didn't like it. As long as Shane still lives; she didn't want him near.