Happy Birthday (R18)

Ethan couldn't help hugging her more tightly, "it will be an honour darling." he spoke up.

Diana smiled at his reply. It's shameless, but she really wanted them to be so close like this. She's not sure if it's because most people stay away from her almost all her life, but her body, heart and soul crave this feeling of being in someone's arms. 

Not hearing him speak, but could detect lots of words from his every action with her. It felt so nice, making her heart race nonstop.

"Happy birthday." Ethan said.

"Thank you." Diana replied, hugging him more tightly, their bare skin touching.

"What are your wishes?" He asked.

"It came true already." Diana replied.

"I want to know them." He urged.

"I wish to have around me, people who care and I get to know they did, instead of being around people who always seem like they have a gun pointed to their head, which was making them endure my present.