The rude doctor

Shane look into the dudes eyes and wondered what he's talking about. "I'm not sure about how I got here. Can you enlighten me on my condition and where I am?" He asked.

The doctor tsk and wiggled his pouted lips playfully, "I might consider if you add 'please' at the end of the request, but you didn't, so NO!" he emphasizes the rejection, making Shane shot him a glare, which in turn earned him the still pouted lips like an innocent child.

"Please." Shane said, but knew the guy will pay for this, but still gotta know what's going on, so that he wouldn't make a rash decision. He needs to bring Stella to his eyes reach.

The reply from the doctor infuriated him again, "I might believe you meant the 'please' if you didn't glare before saying it." he said turned to leave.

Even though Shane is feeling hot; the room temperature can freeze the blood in someone's body. "Since you didn't state a specific date, I will decide for you." he said as he left.