Was it hard on you?

{Stella's POV}

My heart leaped at his question. Did I miss him? 

Yes I do, more than he can imagine, but it's no use now. I'm just gonna hurt myself more if I dwell in this delusion.

I stared into his eyes and didn't know what to say. "Did you miss me?" he asked again.

"Alex I.." my words fell short as he moved closer and wrapped his arms around me. The warmth was so good that I didn't want him to pull back.

Should I hug him back? the question pop up and I clenched my fist, holding back the urge. My heart race non stop and felt scared.

It's been so long and he still make me feel this way. Probably because we didn't part with a fight.

I recalled him putting me to sleep as my body is feeling weird on the day everything changed for us. He was so against the fact that I didn't want to visit the hospital.

I recalled waking up and Maris informing me he went to confirm at the hospital if how I'm feeling isn't bad for a pregnant woman.