Both girls can't wait

Shane's file was aired the next day. Everything was like a nightmare to him. He couldn't believe this is happening.

How the hell did things turned out this way? Ethan knew the people he's partnering with in the work will get out of it. His main purpose for this was to cause trouble for Shane and made him lose their back up.

And also, it will deliver him into his hand.

"Didn't you say we wouldn't get dragged in this? how on earth did you get messed up to this rate. Are you too big to seek help, that you couldn't tell us you need one?

If this escalated more than it should, you will be silenced. Take care of the mess and forget about getting any men from us." The caller said to him and ended the call.

Shane wouldn't dare retort. He's actually grateful inwardly that they said if things escalated more than this.

The fact that they haven't sent someone to assassinate him and gave him a call is indeed a blessing.