You know what Diana, just die!

"Sh*t! sh*t!....." Aroma cursed continuously and the sound of her urgent movement on the other end could be heard through the phone.

The sleep to death poison was something personal that she and her mates created and didn't exposed to the world.

She has succeeded lots of missions easily, thanks to it. With the drug, there won't be any loopholes. No matter what sort of test was carried out on the victims, it will end up as a natural death.

Even Nathan had no idea such weapons existed. It's meant to be a secret between her and her mate  which made her wondered how Diana come across it.

But on second thought, she hasn't seen them for years now. Someone you haven't seen for a week could have developed a new character, not to mention someone she hasn't laid her eyes on in years.

They probably got involved with some people and sell out the poison. If her memories aren't suffering an issue, they only made six boxes.