3 hours left

Diana blushed hard as she watched him dance. Her half closed eyes seem to be developing some brightness, her heart racing wildly.

She laughed out loud as he winked at her again. "Common.." she place both palms to her burning face, and massage her cheeks that's hurting from laughing nonstop.

Ethan finally stopped dancing and walked up to her, "your turn." he said.

"No! no! no!" Diana rejected the idea, but still couldn't stop blushing hard. While she shook her head, Ethan glanced at his wrist watch in a flash and acted natural again.

"Don't tell me you're feeling shy now." Ethan teased, helping her to her feet.

Immediately she got up, he reached his right hand to her hair, while the left one remained around her waist. He removed the pin which pinned her bangs backwards, and ruffled it with his palm, before returning them to their original place and smoothed it with his palm, "there."