Taking the antidote

The journey to the villa only took Aroma 20 minutes, 20 minutes of nearly taking control of the wheel from the driver.

She got to the entrance of the villa and was explaining to the security men that she's the one Ethan and Diana has been waiting for.

They only keep records of the residence, in case of emergency, which is unlikely to come up. She didn't know she will be coming here at all.

The two security men stare at the sexy woman in front of them, dressed up in a blue jean trousers and black leather jacket. 

She has a black finger revealing leather gloves on her hands. Hair tied in a ponytail, her gaze sharp as if she's staring directly into one's soul.

Taller than average girls, nearly matching their height as a man. They have started wondering if she's a supermodel, when Aroma spoke up, annoyed that they are keeping her waiting, "can you call your boss and tell him Aroma is here?" she asked, bringing them back from their stupor.