I've always like this part of male's body Shane

Diana duck her head as Shane spit out the finger in his mouth, blood stain all over his lips.

She smiled at him. He's still sneaking attack at this stage…. How brave of him.

The guy who was watching was dumbfounded, while the one speaking with Ethan on the phone paused, as he just witnessed what she did.

"I'm sorry sir." he apologized as Ethan's voice brought him back from his daze.

Ethan had thought Diana won't be herself if he's there with her, but now he realized that she could do anything she wishes, even if he's there.

Shane has started cursing again, while his hand kept feeding the armrest his blood against his wish.

Seeing the guy who was answering Ethan's call walked towards her, her head snapped to his direction. She shook her head, indicating that she's not receiving the call.

Ethan heard the report and decided to let her be. She had it hard and was finally able to vent her anger. This isn't the time to get jealous.