Let's celebrate the bastard's death

A few minutes after Aroma left, Austin got up on his feet and wiped off his tears. His expression turned stoic as he made his way out of his room.

He walked past the room the girls shared when they were still staying with him during their partnership times.

He didn't open it and peep in like he usually does and just kept going till he got outside the main house premises.

He went towards a storage room at the far end of the villa and stopped at the entrance. He pulled out the chain around his neck, where a key was used as a pendant.

He took off the chain and unlocked the door, where two iron chairs laid, just like the one used to tie Shane.

He walked past it to where a table containing a laptop that's displaying the view of a field in front of the storage room laid.

Everything was set. All he needed to do was get those two to entertain him. Just like how Aroma knew that he wouldn't stress himself, if he wanted to get Diana.