A set up

Aroma's eyes remains the same. He just doesn't care about anything relationship related at the moment.

"What did you do?" Nathan asked, his hand reaching out to pull the robe and have a clearer view, but was stopped by Aroma, who held his hand.

She kept looking into his eyes. She has anticipated this sort of reaction from him for a long time, but couldn't even bring herself to feel glad that it happened.

"I wish to go and rest." she said, releasing his hand, but still kept looking at him.

Nathan's eyes strolled up and locked with hers. He recalled why he's here in the first place and decided not to get angry at this rate.

They will have plenty of time to discuss it later. If Aroma is a weak girl, he might assumed sexual harassment, but who will dare attempt such on her?

It could only mean, that was received willingly, but does he have the right to question her?