Is she pregnant?

Nathan was about to give orders when Aroma snatch the phone in a flash, which stunned him.

His eyes flashing with rage. The compassion in them a few moments ago were nowhere to be found, as Aroma just ended the call HE IS HAVING!

"are you sick in the head?" he asked, his piercing glare following Aroma's silhouette as she went on her knees in front of him and look up.

At this stage, both has forgotten the conversation they were having a few minutes ago.

"Give the phone to me." he demanded and saw Aroma shook her head, "please he won't hurt him." she said.

Hearing what she said, Nathan couldn't believe his ears. Could it be that this girl knew his brother was kidnapped and kept it from him?

She knew his brother's life could possibly be in danger and dared made him planning future with her like an idiot, while his brother is probably going through hell at where he was.

"You knew?" he asked.