The girl nearly died

Ethan was tempted to ask for the fetus to be flushed out immediately and have his woman back, but realized the life of their child concerned the both of them. 

If he wanted to make such decision, Diana must be willing as well. What if she find out about it and hated him. What if she claimed he let their child get murdered.

He didn't want her to feel hurt again. "how is she doing now?" Ethan asked.

The doctor replied that she's under sedation and also in a coma, but she should wake up within a few days.

Ethan said his thanks and said he will only make a decision after discussing it with Diana. 

The doctor didn't disagree, but make him understand the decision should be made within six days, because that's when another surgery will be perform.

Ethan have the belief that Diana will surely wake up before then, because he didn't know what to choose that wouldn't ruin everything.