Is this what they call heartbreak?

Nathan couldn't believe his ears. He stared at her departing figure before realizing that if she really didn't want to be found, it's going to be a long while before they meet again. 

He refused to believe this is happening. How could he be so foolish and let her words got to him to the extent that she has moved so far away before he realized he should have stop her from leaving.

While those thoughts were running in his head, he was already chasing after her bike on foot and calling her name. 

Aroma saw him running after her through the mirror, her tears falling uncontrollably, as she increased her speed. He actually forgot dignity, forgot who he is in the organization and was actually running after her. 

She was supposed to feel touched and be happy, but NO! it's over! she didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore.