You two are married

The next day, at noon. 

Hearing the sound of plane landing on the island, Ethan asked the nurse to look after her for a bit, while he head out to receive them. 

He got outside the main house and halted his steps, as he saw his parents coming as well. They've stepped down from the plane and was coming towards him, with Chris taking the lead. 

He dragged his legs and moved closer to them, with his heart beating against his chest. Tony and Melanie frown as they were now standing in front of him.

Chris is not an exception, "dude… " he couldn't help but called. 

Mel moved closer and held him, tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't believe this is her son. 

His beards are bushy, barely showing his facial feature. He look like someone else entirely. The dark circles under his eye bags were too obvious to be real. It seem like it was drawn there, but they knew it's real, as he wouldn't draw such.