She need to deliver the second baby

It was nearing the time of delivery, as Diana is now heavy. She couldn't move around like before, because as expected, there are few complications. 

She started using her wheelchair again, but will move around once in a while to stretch her muscles. 

She's feeling pain in the hit area again. It wasn't much, but she was warned to be careful. 

At this stage, it's not the baby that's in danger but her. She has passed the stage where her child is at risk. If any issues occur, the least that could happen to the baby is getting delivered earlier, while Diana will have issues after. 

With the increase of doctors and nurses, she was well taken care of. Days went by, with Ethan panicking. 

He couldn't even carry her as an option, because he noticed how she winced. 

One beautiful Friday, the whole family were having their breakfast, while Ethan was helping her massage her swollen legs.