The visit

Rihanna was sitting on a blue leather couch, with her legs crossed and busy browsing through her phone. 

Her father was busy with his studies, while her mother was reading a book. It's an inspiration book for motivation and many more, that's related to life. 

Grandma was inside her room, laying on her bed. They just had their breakfast a few hours ago, so they were all busy doing one thing or another. 

It's the weekend, so they don't usually leave the house unless they need groceries or something important. Only Rihanna leaves the house around evening to visit her friends. 

But nevertheless, Diana knew they would all be at home by this time. 

The gateman saw Diana and was confused. He felt that she looked like her, but the Diana he knew isn't this beautiful and mature.

Her body seems to have germinate, making her look very catchy to the eyes. He looked up at the man holding her waist and felt like he had seen Ethan before.