Give me my panties

Maris was already shaking her head as she saw them not moving from the spot with their face flushed red. 

She's like a parent figure to both of them, which made them relax their nerves  because they thought it's one of the maid with a bodyguard following behind. 

Ethan was affected by the previous event, to the extent that he doesn't trust his kids to an outsider without his men's watch. He knew the guards, but the maids were still strangers.

Diana would be angry if another female saw him in such a state, which made him panic, which also made Diana use herself as a shield. 

Maris couldn't stop shaking her head till she's standing in front of them. Being someone that doesn't hide her thoughts, "seriously you two… " she spoke. 

"He caused it." Diana said as she reached to take Ciara from her. 

"Spare your neck the stress Maris." Ethan said, making Maris realize that she's still shaking her head.