Quit her job

They felt more close after the date. It was as if they broke through a wall in their relationship and were able to get closer. 

After the twins' birthday, which was held at their home, Diana began her visit as planned, while Ethan began working. 

Stella has returned to be with Alex, as the time to invade the love birds home has its limits. 

She got to see the twins during their visit and also missed them. She has gotten attached, but knew Diana needs to face her life from now on. 

The couple didn't mind, but Stella knew it's the right thing to do. She could also have the little princesses stay over, since they are very familiar with her and ask Diana to go be with her husband. 

After many deductions, Diana and Ethan finally understood her. They thought they acted out of line to make her decide to leave in the fist place.