A dangerous mission

The elders of the organization were worried for Nathan. 

He just took on a mission that's extremely dangerous. These types were the one he normally executed with Aroma beside him. 

They suggested that he took someone else with him, but he insisted that he wanted to go alone. 

They couldn't argue much with him and also couldn't play tricks, by sending someone to back him up. 

The nominees for his position failed their tests, so he's still stuck with that position. Actually, he has other plans. He didn't need to be in the organization to lead it, so he can build a life and still control it. 

The world has become easy, with the help of technology, but Aroma isn't coming around at all. 

It's been so long and he didn't seem to be getting her out of his head. 

Since he's still the head, they will need his consent to send someone out for a mission. He must know about it.